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uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......whats he doing?...
he jump, and skip  acting like a cat?
lol funny ass picture  but hes still hot either way
fear the super kitty-ness
OOOH...i never had to see that.
...and he's enjoying himself.
if his parents were around they'd be embarressed they had him. i would be too if i were his parents
... I agree with Vampire's and Ninja's 16... he seems to be enjoying himself for whatever he's trying to do... Very, very scary... *leaves room* SCARY!!!!
he was doing a back flip, and that pic was taked right before he hit the ground.
Interesting pic
Zaku's lover is right. it's in the Naruto vs. Neji fight.
neji:weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im flying me:
wtf??? xD lmao!!!
Neji: "I believe I can flyyyyyy... I believe I can touch the skyyy!..."
he looks like he is pretending to be a gorilla!
he is finally a free bird, flying AAWAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
matrix neji
He looks more like spider man now  ...lol but i do agree wid Zaku's lover and X_X_Twilight_Angel_X_X
Super ugly and a total freak...
Glad someone might agree with me...
fly Neji! FLY!!!
is it a bird? is it a plan? no! its super neji to the rescue!
 Super-Neji Go!!!
No Super-Neji allowed!!! Normal Neji is bad enough...
No shit. This picture makes me laugh though.
neji: i can fly holy crap im falling im losing control im goin to land on this old lady!!!! oh wait thats tenten
neji is a super-flin'-kitty.neji float like a butterfly sting like a taco.is he falling from a building or what wtf rotflmao
Neji can fly! Neji: (...)
 rofl  Neji Sly like an Eagle lol
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