This actually made me lol.
i like Gaara's the best
I was laughing if they said this to me I would've slapped them silly
would you really hit a guy that said any thing like this to you nin
yeah...I mean like I'm only 10 dude pretty freaky...and if anyone on here starts giving me the "Talk" I'm getting out
dont worry no one is gonna have the talk with u... thats for your dad or mom to do...
Uhm I aleady had the talk...it was freaky my mom was like "Honey when a momy cat and a daddy cat both love each other very much" I was like "I DON'T WANT HEAR ANYMORE!"
XD hahah oh i never had that talk i learnded by my self actually
the "talk" huh? well actually i learnd it on the internet! LOL just don't ask me what sites i've been viewing 'cause it brings bad memories -_-"
hehehe come on... cant u tell us
i was just curious! so i when to site i shouldn't have! one day me and my sister wanted to go shopping by our selfs (we were only 11 yrs) here's what happened: mom's just sitting there me: mom its time we had the talk! mom:  Honey!! (calls dad) me & my sis at the same time: NOT THAT TALK!!
XD hahaha oh priceless
mom was like wtf? i knew this day would come but i didn't expect it so soon
well i learned it from my dads magazines... i dont know how old i was, around 8
what!? well the 1st time i learned about the sites was because of a pop-up ^^,
oh i heard it from a friend
i'm very curious so i wondered if there sites like that but about anime so on search there was a word hentai! a said "whats hentai?" and when the page opened a was like: OMFG!!! THIS IS WORS THAT PPL FROM REAL LIFE!!  ........and sometimes i still go to that same website when i wanna c something different that i usualy c! don't tell anyone what i c! ^^,
sure... well you have to see hentai too understand it... it wierd and you sometimes wonder who the hell could draw this... but it almost sounds to me that you like it a bit... not saying its wrong, but your right its different alright...
^^, inner K: he's saying i'm pud! if D was here she would blow my mind of -_-"
yeah she so would  lucky u heh... but you sound like a pud...
I have problems ok
like being a pud XD
No i'm not!! inner me: most go to happyhentai.com...........ahaha j/k
so thats is its name... must try it... XD
so you're the real pud here! lol XD
well it was you who told me of the weebsite, so your the bigger pud XD
i didn't tell u! i was thinking it!!
but i can read you pud mind mahahaha *grin*
oh yeah? what am i thinking of now?
how u can be an even bigger pud! mahaha
how can i b thinking that!!? i'm always saying i'm not a pud!! keep guessing!! -.-
....i got nothing ... to much interference
inner me: he gives up? all i was thinking was me in my happy place! wich i rather not say what my happy place is -_-"
huh... ^^,
nothing ^^, inner me: note to self! becareful around 20 yr old guys
*reading already writen self note* " don talk to young girls" ah screw it...
what's wrong w/t talking to young girls? inner me: another note to self! some guys r weird!
=) well thats just the begining... trust me you gonna met some wierd guys on your road...
well guys can change! well when my sis said that i said: guys can change? into what dicent human beings?
HA HA so funny I almost forgot to laugh...
i was j/k G! all though i did say that! sorry ><
yeah same here  ... well seing how most of the worlds men are strange i can blame ya...
heh its normal for me! wait, nothings normal for me! i'm so weird
weirdness is normal some times... that didnt sound normal
for what i c here we r all weird LOL XD
talk like yoda u do... wierd it sounds wery much
zzz...wake me up when the show gets goo...zzz
frzdragon did a good job eh? u can see more of her work at www.deviantart.com
yeah she did
you know I wished we all lived in the same place! Geez I keep coming her late!!!!!!!!!!  K-chan did you really do that when you were a kid  G_kun is a pervert.
hey im not a perv...
yeah you are
yes i did! and G's not a perv...well sometimes he is ^^,
thanks for the support... T_T
I'm looking at some pictures of of my family when i wasn't born yet and I found one of my mom on a toilet seat I asked who took this my om said your brother when he was 5
thats freakish
I bet you got mental picture
im sane enough not to take them... on partys but thats a whole other situation...
There's this freaky old man on my freinds street we walked on his lwan for a short cut and he brang out a gun and like 2 weeks later my freind founded out it was a toy gun
ok can we talk about something else plz? like.....what kinde of sports do u like or something ^^,
sure! Uhm...what do you guys want to talk about? G and K:T_T
ok! what's your fav. sport or special talent?
sorry to brake the conversation but i dont really like sprort that much ^^,
Me neither I told my P.E. teacher I wasn't feeling well and she believed me. My freind said I wasn't and told say anything and you die
ok i dont hate P.E i just dont like watching sport... football i think is one of the most overrated sprts there is... basketball too...
i don't like sports either but my mom singed me up in gymnastics so u can say that's my only fav. and my only talent ^^,
cool so you can like do all the stuff what ever its called... that sounded extremly stupid, inner me: way to go there champ, me: shut up...
We we were talking about talents during school in class my teacher said her talent was to clean. I said it was stupid and I made her cry
lol! inner me: i don't even know what its called! i know in spanish but not in English ^^,
thats mean... but that does sound stupid... " i can clean wery well..."
I'm going to sak my freind if she wants to talk.
oook... O_o
ok i'm bored .....zzzzz.....good night....zzzzz
o no you dont *cannonballs K�s ass*
God there's like nothing to Do! Someone make a funny! Fine i'm going to read some manga, then play my Ps2,then run outside in the rain.
ok! *sits down eating popcorn while watching K-chan bad mouth G-kun*
well it waked u upp right... inner me: should I say it?... no they will be hurt for life if I do...
Dang it! Right when it was getting good!
*glares* say what!? inner me: maybe the whole "stick" thing was too much ^^,
MAN! I KEEP DIEING! I SUCK AT THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
well you could have refered it to much worse things like a pinky or somehtin like that... stik comes in such diferent sizes...
both of you are to young to have this talk >_>
yes dad
-_-" inner me: why, why, why, why, why, why, why!!??
go to your room young lady...
I don't wanna!
say bye bye to daddy Nin-chan!....*glares at G* i'll deal w/t u later hum >_>
now go to your room or you will get no dinner...
Go K-chan! Dinner dosen't have pancakes
wait who r u talking to? me or little ms. pancakes here?
it lasanga
I like ramen better.
=^_^= yeah its good
wait, G's Nin-chan's dad then....who's the mom?
I had 5 packs yesterday.
And then I threw up. I have no Father!
no..*darth vader breathing* I am youre father *darth vader breathing*
well u called G "dad" a while ago! ^^,
it is youre destiny *darth vader breathing*
DUDE I'M 10!!!! G-KUN IS ONLY 20! and no my destiny is to be a dentist like that one elf...
what's w/t u? I just asked who the mom was -_-"
... >_> no one can take my j/k...
G-kun where's mommy?
honey... mommy is in heaven
that's not my question! and G! you're not the joking type ^^,
oh thanks...
K-chan can you be my mommy?
now that would be the sickest
Be quiet I'm waiting for mommy's answer.
*drinking soda and the spits it out* *cough* what was that!!?? and G what's your problem?
It's daddy who wanted it. G:why you little
*strangels nin* dont be goin on sayn stuffl like that...
make me! *sticks out tounge*
stop it!
*grabes tounge* i just did *grin*
*jumps on G's back* ok i can't let u guys have all the fun!!
Ow my tounge! *kicks G*
are you ok?
I have some serious back up!
Ooww!... whys every one on me for...*starts runnign around the room*... inner G: if someone were to walk in right now it would look realy strange
My freind just did oh yeah *kicks G in the shin*
keep running 'cause i wont let go!! inner me: ow ow ow!
*blows Whistle* TIME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! *motherly voice* Now who wants some cookies?
@_@ inner me: why is this happening to me...
Now....TIME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *brings out axe*
there relentless... save me!!
*still on G's back* run G she going to kill us!!!
hi hi red ninga!
*looks at anime girl356* Sit right there dear while I handle things! *Swings axe alomst cutting K and G's hair*
what the heck are you talking about?
Awww what a beautiful day! *drinkin tea with animegirl while still confused and K and G hiding behind a tree*
you know u can get of me now... or do you prefer the more close incounter...
....*motherly look into evil grin* Are you CHALANGING ME G-KUN?! *brings out axe*
ok red ninga you know drinking tea is not me!!!!!!!
O_O *pulls down K�s head* hide...
WHERE AE YOU G-KUN I CAN SMELL YOUR FEAR! *looks at animegirl* would like to help gives her midevil flame* (if you don't know what that is it's those balls that spikes on them and you can swing it around)
quik deodorant!...
whatever man!!!!!
TIME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *motherly voice again* No let's put these bad toys away children!
were the hell is K when u need her...
HA HA HA HA HAAA!!!!!if your happy and you now it clap your hands!!!!HA HA HAH!mom said that
Yes where is K-chan? I still need to chop of your guy's heads
yeah thast a great reason why she would be here
*smiles* it is isn't it? G:sweatdrop
*really far away*hi...*waves hand*
tell red ninga that we can chat againe at 6:20
gomen gomen! G-kun this animegirl356 animegirl356 this is G-kun he's a sicko pervert who thinks I'm a show off. *evil grin* ok bye!
im not a sicko pervert... inner me: TT_TT
*waves hand in his G's face* ok ok where is K?
in the bushes inner me: O_O ops...
she is she?*evil grin* K if you can hear me say something! (...) Ha! LIAR! *brings out axe*
*smoke were I ones stood*...
hi hi!!!!!i'm back.even if no one will talk to me.....\
DARN YOU! Oh yeah! G-kun where mommyK?hi animegirl356!
mom... i mean K is sleeping... i think... or just gone.. sorry animegirl.. nice meting ya *continue hiding*
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Don't cry man! (or else I'll give you a hug)
run for it.. wile you still can...
Wow does this mean K and you are married now?! Wow! Gome gomen gomen animegirl356!
O_o you have some wierd logic there grl
dose that mean you got rejected?
eyah i got rejected by a 13 year ol grl.. and i dont care
somebody's getting anger isssues...
says the grl with the axe
I only use that for special occasions
yeah could you talk to your friend shes being a bitch
... somtimes I wonder
wonder what?
how this things happens...
sorry for what i said earlyer i thought you meant me...
what just happend? O_o
i dont know... the situations sort of got out of hand...
sorry G! hope your not mad? Still want to be freinds?
this was one of the most F*** up conversations i ever had... sure we can still be friends
See K! You should've been there! You see what happens when your gone! (sarcasm)
i mean.. one time you were klinging to myc back the other just gone T_T i was a alone with a maniac
Hey I only get like that when I have Sugar! Besides I kept dieing in this game and I had to take my rage on someone.
thanks... i always whanted to a testdoll
yeah...but you're weird! and i mean weirder that me Nin
hey it was late and i do get wierd when i get tired
hey Nin! do u understand spanish?
Uhm..no but animegirl356 does! Yes I'm weird do you no what today I took a freezy shower and it's freakin cold in the house.
a mi no me importa!!
don't worry! its not something bad, honest
i dont habla spanish
whats it mean?
well i know more spanish than english, that's y i mis spell words 'cause i don't know how to write then -_-"
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I see! I completely get it! K:no you don't
ok i'm bored! i'm out of here! later!
Yeah me to bye!
try to get the girls to talk alone and what happens... the diss eachother
the conversation didn't last that long because bordem struck over! We need to have everyone here!
you just got dog tired right...
no just woke up it's like 11:21 a.m. over here.
O_O its like 8 cklock in the night here...
O_O are you serious? Wow...I feel weird now
how do you thikk i feel like... you just woked up wile im geting tired...
its 3:30 pm here! just stopped by to say that! c ya
So when it's like 6:00 p.m. what time will it be over there?
like 3 am O_o
OMG! GeeZ Maybe I should like stay up all night and keep checkin if you and k are still awake! (Wish we all lived in the same place...-_-")
i dont know if that will work soo good.. but youre welcome to do soo  its does damn times zones
hi hi!
hi animegirl.. umm there at some other picture at the time being...
oh,k thanks!
holy crap, all those coments in 2 friggen days!  what deos narutos mean
it means Steamed fish-paste cake... so uzumaki naruto means, fish roles XD
what the hell deos that mean damn it, damn you all to hell  Just tell me wtf naruto means, in english
I told you already baka  cant you read!!? ok i take it in kindergarten level then since you obviously have the same brain capacity as one of them... naruto=fish-paste... that what hes name means... just like sakura means cherry blossom, and ino means pig, iruka=dolphin and so on...
This was sucha weird converstaon it wa talk , then crazyness, the bad mouthing, then explaing whata dattebayo means
yeah its hard sometimes...
I dont mean his name dumbass, i meant what he was saying. Uzamaki means whirl pool, Kakashi means scarecrow, Shika means deer... but the pick up line! You friggen IDIOT!
then say it! not "what does naruto means"
I did...I asked "what does Narutos mean" n-a-r-u-t-o-s...sorry, sorry, sorry
You should put the apostrophe.. It helps a lot.
Yeah, I quess your right...sorry
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