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? this is weird.....
what is exaclty happening here?
ok if u wanna know wuts happenin here she got shot and now the other kid is healing her..see look at her fingers thats her (ability) to heal ppls and thats wut shes doing now get ur mind out of the gutter and stop wit the messed faces b/c if u like the pic dont cover it up wit "wut is this" crap god.........get over it this shouldnt be taken as an abnormailty
But that looks very...very... sexy...
i think they like each other
I don't care if she is healing her or not, the sexual overtones are not be accident. I hate having to go throught stuff like this to find good decent pictures of anime girls.
truth of fact this was in episode 9 mirage/snare. eclair walked into the hub of the mind control center and quite obviosly got effected. lumiare is using her ability puppet. to try and stablise the electron pulses in eclairs brain. this of course causes her to start to regain her memories. if you have to find sextual overtones in every picture, thats your problem. so just dont look if you dont want to.
hmmm well it does look like a sex sene but thats due to what she wearing other than that its actually a good picture
Blah blah blah...to all you ppl bitchin about "oh i hatee going threw pictures like this" (like it makes u loose sleep at night -__-) shouldnt even bother comming on sites like this....you know its there....you dont like it? either leave or shut up =)....and i also agree....even though shes healing her and blah blah blah, this was ment to be ecchi =)
A picture like this does more damage than you think.
It's a cute picture thats all I have to say
is this sex? cuz its sexy, but harsh. gee...thats kinda weird. im seyin weird things. im seein too much! but yeh she is healing her. its ecchi.
some peopel are so immature -_________-
Might as well go and talk to a tree.....You humans are sad....
this is weird i am confused
ah just what i need
she has a cute outfit on. i would totally wear that
oh oh oh i busted a nut
Heh, I knew lesbians were pedophiles. ^_^;
this pic is gr8 so is the show, u an get of downloaders or torrents!
they are having sex
sex? but there friends!!! i dont get it
i'm not even going to say anything. the fact that you've managed to entertain yourselves for so long speaks for itself. if u wud stop arguing maybe you'd hear its voice. (at first glance it did look ecchi, but it is a healing scene, look at her fingers. i'd take this over death if i was shot).
no her fingers are glowing because the other persons got a magical vagina
Okay......maybe my last comments are a little strong and over exagerated. This pic isn't that bad, but it would be silly to say that this pic wasn't made to peek the intrest of a few viewers with it's either intended or unintended lesbian overtones. But hey, At least it isn't porn like some images that have found their way onto this site. I swear people read the rules of the site for once.
Erre most mit mondhatn�k v�gt�re is egyik sem rossz csaj^^
I swear to GOD I love this pic! It may or may not be because I LOVE this anime, or that I LOVE those characters, or maybe even because of the overtone of this pic, though most likely because of the mix. They look cute together.
I agree .She's healing her. But can anyone tell which episode this is and where you can download the episodes at?
I know she's healing her...and I'm pretty sure they're not lezs...I just wanna say....LEZBIANS ARE HOT!
Just watch the episodes.
*reads Nala_Yoshi's comment* Well, I can only speak for Natasha and myself, but I'd say the rest are too.
wow yuri heray
we want pussy!
Is "Kiddy Grade" a yuri anime?
No kiddy grade is not a yuri anime. I know whats going on here. Revival. But it does look real sexy. I love hot anime girls.
To most of the above: KG is not a yuri/hentai/porn/whatever. There is no evidence of �clair and Lumi�re being lesbians. Lumi�re is also only 10 years old. Please do not continue to obsessively fantisize over a child.
All I konow is that aside from all the sexuall tension, this picture is truly beautiful. Not to menton it's the BEST picture of Lumiere & Eclair in the whole series!
Would you guys who think they like each other get your mind out of the gutter?! She's just healing her!!
At first, when I saw both of their legs like that I thought is was something nasty but then I saw her glowing fingers and I remembered that Lumiere had healing powers and that she was healing Eclair. So thats just it, it might look like a sexual moment and I can see how you might be led to believe that but its not.
It still looks wrong....but ever so cute
I dont see anything worng but the blushing makes it seem worse than it is ^^
2 chiks making out now that is hot! and D my IM is open incase u wanna speak
H Ha Ha. are you still going on about this? oh well at least the sbmitions are fun to read.
hey! those girls look like they are having sex now she is healing her but the 10 year old girl looks like she blushing but she has a scratch and im not a pervert im 12 years old thank you!
Oh Come ON!!!! Don't be disgusting. I mean yes it's questionable, but this was one of my favorite episodes. I know they're not.........(you know).
Lumiere and Eclair r not gay ppl although they look hot together but their not gay
Okay, first off, I would just like to point out that I have not actually seen this anime (though It's on my top want-to-see list right now). Secondly, I can still tell that this is something to do with healing because of Lumiere's glowing fingers. You people who think that this is a lemon scene, or whatever you want to call it...I would just like to say pull your heads either out of the gutter or back down to earth. It's just a healing scene. Man.... Cool pic, anyway.
Thanks for sharing this picture http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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