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Kiba has an identity crisis haha. KIBA ROX
that is funny. not a boy *dies from not breathing*
what did neji say??
Kiba is so hott... shame I rather cats...
"You are all n00bs. Everyone is a n00b but me, Neji t3h 1337 h4xx0r, 'cause I was born 1337 and pwnsome. Do not try to defy my divine logic." means You're all idiots, except me, because I'm the best. I'm better then you all, basically.
im like kankuro! i live in da desert too, am gothic most days, and gets heat stroke SO many times a year.....yup! my sad life! LOL! gaara rox! X3
haku's is probably the funniest. there is an episode where naruto calls him a girl and later he tells him he is a boy and naruto starts to cry!
Choji's a problematic kid, not Gaara!
XD booboobear's just to selfish! im fine with him killing all the time but when he stole the last of my mom's hommade cookies...ooh...
um...{s}he was just reading what neji said..
lol that really describes the characters
lolz, poor kankurou...
 it said that sasuke is an emo ahaha
gaara is no that way... hes...welll....cute... but i do agree with sasukas he is an emo lol jk jk
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