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They are good together I am for real look they look like they are happy :3
awwwwwwww ..... I am so happy for her
I know man even though I have been her friend for only a few months I feel like I don't know I've known her for a long time, like if she was a cousin or sister I don't know @_@
I knew her too for just a couple of months and I feel so ahppy it's like I have the bf ^^
I bet u she is reading this and is like freaked out!XD
yea becuae she doesnt know this is me ... clarad hahahaha .... he's like STALKER
LOL D! I am watching Shrek 2 LOL! XD I am so imature still! what My bro is watching it and I got distracted...>_>
watching that movie isnt immautre ..... manyeb
I know TT_TT oh well better than watching Disney Channel and Danny Phantom!XD
I cant wait for an new ep of naruto ^^
I cant either! ^_^ I love that show so umm... I am so bored!
me too thqt why am exerising ... I know it's like 10 pm
I like to run and jog and sumtimes I go to the gym and right now is the best time to start working out cuz thanksgiving is the holiday that people gain weight soo yea tommarrow I am going to be gone for awhile...
great ....
oH KNOW i GAINED WEIGHT!!!! I deffinatly need to work out! TT_TT...* Upside, inside out living la vida loca, she will wear u out living la vida, push and pull u out living la vida loca, her lips are devil red living la vida loca!* sorry that song was on shrek!-_-
OMG >>>> am a bitch , am lover. am a child, am a mother, am a sinner, am a st, I dont feel a shame . am nothing in between and I know you wouldnt want it any other way ,,,, it goes more
LOL! we ar being musical!
yea we are ... I listen to much music ^
I am listening to AFI:Miss Murder! I heard there new song on Mtv and I think it's ok!
omg dont tell you like them
Sooo I don't care they sing well and if u don't like it then go listen to papa roach and all those other crappy singers..>_>
who said I liked those bands ... noone because I really dont ..... I listen to the message a singer is ffer .... no message or a stupid message am not listening to their crap
Metal said ya do like papa roach I guess he was wrong and whats wrong with AFI huh??? way better than Avril Lavigne I gotta go I will talk to ya later D *hugs* bye ^_^
bye bye .... AVRIL *killls her * .... metal doesnt know me like you know me ... eveyone knows me differently .... I agree with everything but sometimes .... I really dont agree and I well yell out my belifs and what I think is cool and right ^^
LOL! D lets both kill her *throws her own putrid CD's* these suck so much they gotta kill her!
I eman I 1st thought she was forced to sing those songs but tham .,..... damn she sucks big BALLS
I know she is a wannabe rocker! stupid bitch! *Bitch slaps Avril*
and she takes my bf .... well I thought he was so cute and htna I was like you bastard ... have her you faker too .... I hate her
I gotta go D *hugs* talk to u later at like 5:00 tommarrow k luv ya! ^_-
bye bye ......
Hi people!
awwwwwwww we know you love us .... and we love you ,<<<<33333
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