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Omg this rocks!
hey that's me!!! cool oh that is me i was at a friends house but but why is she with my man???
its a good edit alright
Whoa my cousin can be volent anyway how r u?
your cousin Oo ??
cousin vinnie
Some what violent friend though
soory i was a lil hyper when i wrote that and she really is cool i wish i could do that
These edits are excellent Kiba was a good choice-he's pretty cute! Are these part of a story your working on?
COOL Kiba and Shizue, yeah rigth
wow your edits are the best seriously! If only I was kissing kiba ; . ;
what about mine J? Have you ever seen them? I love these pics btw So cool
who is this i have no clue
you can so tell this is fake but if she did copy and paste that girl i wonder who kiba realy was kissing?!
ohhh thats my friends man
sasusaku_fan12 he wasnt kissing anyone i know hwo she done it XD bc am smart
Awwww...Pretty seen
hey, i have a question MaruMarimaru. where do you find Shippuuden pics of Kiba? i can't find any, and i have a character i made up that's an edit of him. so can you tell me where you found your Kiba pics? this is a really cool pic!! ^_^
SakuraKairiYuna: thx! no i dont know where u cant get one cause me also was looking 4 some but i couldnt find anything
oh. oh well, i'll find some someday! ^_^ and your welcome!
MaruMarimaru katsue is downloaded uploded cool check it out type katsue or go to the 4th page when typing in shizue!
I love kiba..... and ur better at editing than me.....so i guess i cant love him
Lets share him!!!
OH THANK You!!!!!!!!(can you tell me wat program u use to ur make vids on youtube? because i like your vids! :-Dand i want to make a vid about you and my character)^^
'Windows Movie Maker' and 'Sony Vegas 7.0'
how do you save music to a file?
It looks like she's kissing his chin
how do you save music to a file?
Awwwww...This is one of my favorite pairings. Can I be your friend? I want to learn more about your character. She's awesome!! It'll make a great story along with my character. I also want to dedicate it to you.
AWWWWWWWWWW! So cute together
wheres the origanal?
so cute 8D
could u plz do 1 of my char?her names kinatara.....just search that and ull find me PLZZZ???!!!!????!!!
GAY AND BAD! Leave the original pics alone. They're better.. Stop messing with them! HE's MINE! Not afraid to hurt some one for him >_>
ah shut ur mouth, fighting for a guy who isnt real, ur not right in the brainXP leave maru alone!
shizue's_best_friend has a point, nearly every anime character comes out of some japanese guy's mind, including Kiba and you wouldn't suddenly walk into a kid in his early teens with tatoos on his face and a puppy on his head (excluding cosplayers)
yeah you wouldn't. thx Flareninjabeku.
Wow your edits are excelent! Hey um well i dont know if your doing um requests but um vould you make me one?If so message back and i ll give you details, okay?
AWWW 5/5
Omg this is Sooo Awesome!! ^^ Oh, Can You make me MY Character? Shyama Hakiyo/Inuzuka? I'll describe her for ya! (P.S. She's Kiba's Twin almost Sister)
Hey Hey, Mrs. Kiba Inuzuka, Please, DOn;t be like that other bitch. -Shakes her head.- He belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. Some other Kiba fangirls are in love with him also...-Takes pics of her brother.- Hehehe...Im so giving this away. -Laughs evily.-
Ok I'm Sorry I'm Sorry, Forgive my stupidity!! I also understand that he belongs Kishimoto because he is the creater of the show!!!
Yeah, and its ok. At least you weren't like that other betch up there, KibaInuzukaIsMINE!
is he really kissing someone? is it hinata? or is he just standing there with his eyes closed?
MariuMarimaru took two different pics and put them together. Kiba was really just resting but the pic looks so real! XD
He was just there with his eyes closed, but Marina took a Sasusaku pic and edited Sakura into SHizue. That was GENIUS.
I Think I'm gonna be sick (yuk) nice edit I love it
true love conques all
soooo cute!
did she draw shizue here?
No. It was taken from a sasusaku pic.
No i did not draw Shizue i edited her out of a sasusaku picture i found
Well you edit good. And I love your drawings. -w-
tu amas a kiba o.o wow!! cool!!! t quedo bien padreeeeeeee
Its kind of funny how all these fangirls are acting up over one fangirls dream XD if she likes the same guy isn't that good enough she could be bashing him instead.:/ learn to love people learn to love
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