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aww such a kawaii couple
Temari and Shikamaru were the two character's who surprised me most with their development. And with the development of their relationship  . But they are awesome together.
he looks more bored then usual
shiky-ru-ru and mari-chan?eew, HELL NO!!!!!!!
i like this couple
temari looked better when she was younger
lol...they almost look like they're on a date...
She is 18 here and he is 15 it's like rape! Shikaino! Setsuka, that's what Naruto asks but they say twice during shippuuden that it's just an escort mission.
omg I want those two together! They're so cute! So what if Temari's older? pfft. Shika needs an older woman to take care of him cuz he's so lazy.
ugh i hate Shika and Temi as you can tell imma fan of Shika n Ino
Go Shikaino! I still stand by what I said. But even though I really like Shikaino, I still like Temari, just not in pairing instances. She's super kickass other wise
I think Temari and Shikamaru make a cute couple
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