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i wish i am sakura!
Sakura y Shaoran foe ever!!!
cute! wat r they even doing ther?
I wish I was Sakura too.xD And i don't know what they're doing...o.o
but this is so cute and fun!!!
i think saku tripped over syao. syao: this hurts but it doesnt hurt to have saku tripping over me!
What a CUTE picture!!!!
three letters: LOL!
Are they in a tree???
more like bushes, Li was trying to get the "SWORD" card away from Rika-chan, but Sakura didn't want him to hurt her, so Sakura grabbed onto Li and used the "JUMP" card to take them away from Rika-chan
Syoran is sooooo kawaii!
vAmPiRe_BlOoD is 100% correct. but i have one question, are they in a tree? i really can't tell.
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