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I'm a poet and didn't even know it
rythme everytime...YAY NARUTO BUTT <3
I think he's wearing a towel around his waist. XD -ish staring at Sasuke butt- Gah.. Must.. not stare.. at.. Duck-butt's.. ass...
Go ahead and stare I won't tell him. Are you sure about the towle Look a little closer just not so close that you can see the pixels...
Pfft, yeah there's something there.
does this mean kakashis a girl
I don't think there's a towel, since Naruto and Sasuke have no towel... As for the case itself: O.o
Do you have the origional picture? I would like this picture without the writing.
im laughing so hard!!!AHAHAHAHAH!!!!! HILARUOUS!
yeah it's on now! ^-^
yes sara uchiha, i think that this means that kakashi's a girl
i dont think so.
That (that he's a girl) would of course explain why he's wearing a mask... So that we can't see his full red lips Oo. But if he's female, he's rather flat chested ^^. Just kidding. Kakashi is awesome (and my fav character). (And I know why he wears the mask.)
y does he wear his mask??? 0.o
Coz it's the ep when they want to know what's under his mask, they try to trick him
:-/ Jossie, did you mean "Why does he wear it here?" or "Why does he wear it in general?" ? Tasha answered question 1, as for question 2: Kakashi's father fell into disgrace in Konoha. Kakashi looks a lot like him and reminds people of him. So he wears the mask to hide this resemblance.
Thanks for the extra info Kari Didn't know that Was it in the manga
No, I got it from wiki. Wiki is a marvellous place! link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naruto Go to characters guide and then Kakashi. There's explained everything with a lot more details.
Wikipedia.org is not a really good place to go because anybody can editit it. I'm just tellin ya...
True, but I still like the Naruto article there because it's very detailed.
Thanks Kari now I know what's gonna happen in Shippuden Yeah I also read about Kurenai...Shikamaru vows on Asuma's grave he will protect her and their baby
Yep. I'm glad I could help you . But I try to get not too much spoilers because if I know everything before, then why should I still watch the anime/read the manga?
I do that but I don't know why I guess I'm impatcient
^^ I can understand you. I have to go now. Bye! *hug*
damit i missed you kari!
I missed saying good-bye...she'll be back *starts to laugh evily* I watch too much simpsons -.-'
you cant have to much simpsons XD or south park, or famelie guy, or amarican dad... my fav shows ^^
How did you know I'd be back, Tasha?
I dunno, I guessed. I knew you wouldn't leave us like I was going to
Funny stuff
Kakashi has a penis, it is just they can't show it because this show isn't AO rated...*looks at butts* aww they are small!:3
You can see SASUKE'S BUTT REALLY well!! cool!!
that's nice
oh arent you nice -_-
yip ^^
i wonder whose ass is hotter, naruto or sasuke?
I have no idea
if i could see all of Naruto's I'd be able to tell
well it is a kids show sorta... so... they wouldn't show a penis... The butt is one thing... but they aren't going to show the male anatomy -_- although they should... kids need to learn!
I know but that's what the discovery channel's for. hehe
you get that stuff on discovery channels? I got taught the basics...had to find the complicated stuff out for myself XD
nice. ^~^
:slaps forehead: Man, and I thought the other comment was bad.
is this like discovery channel anime version, looking at the stuff like anime dicks and ass's?
I wouldn't mind that channel
...Those asses are g-a-y. I wish someone would put a fan in there and blow out that steam in the way~ *panned* I think I actually really know why they're surprised in that picture >.> <.<
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