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This ia a good picture.
or perhaps toxic fumes? He does look a little sick from breathing it in
Jaken cut the cheese and he's trying not to look sick.
+falls out of computer chair+ Oh god, Karame, don't give me that image....my eyes will sting
Just remember kids! Never light a fire when there is gas in the air! *does it anyway and explodes* ouch...
Or when Sesshoumaru is near the stove.
Just so long as you don't ask for fish stew. That stuff looks, smells and tastes nasty. I'll be happy to make anything else.
And grill me up a severed human head! I'm starving!
I don't know but I heard they they taste like chicken.
You know..we could just make froggy stew (aka Jaken stew).
Sure we could.... but who here would eat it?
You could try it but I'm not cleaning up the mess when he gets sick and barfs all over the place.
so can i go to the next village to see if inuyasha is there and i promise when am done looking at the village i will come back
This is the picture Calvin Klein took of Sesshomaru...shortly before his assasination
Humans are actually very tender and light meat. They taste kinda like chicken, cept for the ass which tastes like ass.
Sesshomaru's littlefriend
My daddy said that cannibals call humans "long pork" Because they taste like pork...
Depends on how you cook em. I like mine a little pink >:] Sometimes i like em a little alive...
lol, a little pink? you mean a little caucasian? i wont even talk about dark meat... ~gets shot in the back of the head~
it actually depends on what you're cooking, humans hell i like them raw. other things it really dosen't matter to me.
i like my humans cooked well (shoots human with a ray human all brown)
i remeber this! see i was bored and i was burning Jaken in the back, he makes this really pretty blue light
so do these fireworks *throws them into a crowd of people and they explode causing a bright blue flash* ^_^
BLUE! blue...lights...must...die.
So... must... you. hahaha.... Ok not funny any more *goes on RFG hunt* Hey you all like people meat so whos hungry.... on second thought I don't think anyone wants to eat that.
nah. I got some fresh stuff. *starts up the grill*
ppl now a days taste like crap, besides they're over weight and im watching what i eat *eats small bowl of rice and noodles*
I've never tried human before but I think I'll just take your word for it
Fuzz bucket
mmm...brain. i feel like i get smarter when i eat this. Evgeni: (in russian) i'll just stick to fish sandwiches. mmm...fish sandwich. (drool)
Fish sticks
*hands Karame some fish sticks* here you can have them cause I don't want em
Cool *munches fish sticks* thanks ^_^ .... Hmmmmm this nees something.....  *gets out weird looking cheese sauce* better.... Albel: Ewww fish... I think I'm going to be sick *turns green* ... Karame: *sess Albel pass out* cool now I really love these fish sticks *munches some more* ^__^
Uhhh que mirada madre mia!!
Leon: *looks around*... ...*everyone is gone* .... .... .... *fart* ^_^;;;;; *walks off like nothing happened*
Evgeni: MINNNNEEEEEE!!! (attacks Karame and runs off with the fish sticks) A/67: sorry about that. -_-; EVGENI!! YOU COME BACK HERE AND APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW!!! Evgeni: Never!!! (shoves fish sticks in his mouth and keeps running)
*trips evgeni* my bad...  *burns jaken and roasts marshmallows over his body* smore's anyone?
No thanks. I want nachos, but SOMEONE ate the last bag! (glares in Evgeni's direction) Evgeni: (falls on his face) OUCH! I skinned my knee! (cries) A/67: awww...poor Evgeni fell down. Want me to kiss it and make it better? >=) Evgeni: (stops crying) no. A/67: partypooper.
*takes out an economy sized alcahol bottle* the sting means it's working evgeni...we wouldn't want your knee to get infected >=)
Evgeni: Um. no thanks i'll just let it heal on its own like this scar here. (points to a gash on his arm) and this one! oh and this one! A/67: manly battlescars! (swoon)
O.o. A/67....you're crazier than me....*accidentally leans on the alcahol bottle and the bottle spills all over evgeni (it's ECONOMY size. like, 6' 0'' bottle...) whoops....
Evgeni: that stung... AND NOW I'M ALL WET!  A/67: and you smell...like alcohol. (throws bacon on him) okay, now you don't smell like alcohol anymore. Evgeni: (beats pheonix over the head with empty bottle)
that doesn't hurt. *bites evgeni's arm due to the smell of bacon* bacon...
Evgeni: OUCH! You son of a- A/67: (beats him over the head with bottle) WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE DAMMIT! >=( Evgeni: AHHHH! I can't take it anymoree!!!!!! (shoots them both in the head) A/67: x_x. Evgeni: ahhh. peace at last. so quiet.
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