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*sigh*.....get a life...bigtime........
I wish I could draw like that...*sigh*
Takeshi1589 wrote-*sigh*.....get a life...bigtime......../ Dude, shut up. You should get a life and stop complaining about every damn pic you see.  I like it, the pic looks cool
Egg roll master your the one who should shut up, Takeshi1589 is entitled to an opinon ya know!
you need some sun tan lotion? cuz i really do*wink wink* JUSTKIDDING
egg roll needs to read the dates people write suff. takeshi wrote that comment a year ago idiot.
ya this isent msn lol
The date doesn't matter.
yeah, youre all idiots for looking at it in the first place. and i bet each one of you enjoyed it too
mann her lady lumps look like my sisters lumps
i wold push her down and screw until she begs me to stop
o.- No, I just came to see the comments. First of all, it doesn't matter when the comment was written. No one cares. xzzzzz, you need to realize that she's an anime character. >.-
Actually, I think the date does matter. I mean, if it was posted a year ago, they might never read your response. And your aparently~not~so~well~thought~out insault. But I agree with you anniert; I think having a sexual fantasy about an anime character is unhealthy.
It makes no difference if it is an anime character or a living person (read 'some worthless celebrity') in this matter. Fantasies are harmless as long as you understand that they are merely imagination. Some people fantasize about murdering; you think that's healthy? Just wanted to point that out.
wait northern winter i know your entencthions are good but please dont carry out this comfursatuion any further with your comments come doughts and with those doughts come more people trying to say its right....listen everyone we all have something we like and to hate that person for what they like is worng in my opinen im not saying your opinen is worng its just...i dont know what im trying to say i know what i say wont stop the comments from comeing...but i just had to say something...
um boy, i dont think people need to hear that lecture, its a nice THOUGHT but will do little good really, since you didnt make much sence in the first sentence there
its just...thank of what happend in 2006 and before that comments like those just kept comeing and it seems like thes kinds of comments are comeing back...and i saw how every one got into an uproar over what is right to thank about these things and say these things or not....and now it seems like there comeing back..
ok first of all boy, i still dont get what your saying, whats coming back? and if you mean people blurring out there beliefs, hell that wont ever stop and will continue no matter what you do, people with different oppinions will always fight over "whos right", so relax boy, you cant save the world, not here at least
yeah...ok G...but are they just going to go through there life calling people sick and every time they see a nasty comment on a pic they preching of in what way its worng and get mad every time some body ses its perverted or wine they see a perverted pic?....that is such a sad way to live...
hahaha your right there bou it is rather sad and pathetich to do so, but such things dosent stop people from doing idiotic things in genneral any way
yeah i guss so
I hear you. Some people are immature, we can't help it.
anniert is right about all of it and same here i just read comments and ocasionally look at the pic
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