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i don't know if he's Obito- did they just leave his body behind after Kakashi got the eye?
I'm starting to aree that he is. I don't wanna start a fight so I'm not gonna say anything.
One part of me is saying, "He's Obito!" And the other part of me is saying, "He cant be Obito!" I just dont know. *Sigh*.
where do you get the idea that he's Obito from??
His eye mostly...
oh yeah...that reminds me...the other day I saw a pic of Obito...they do sort of look alike
You've seen his face? (schools over)
no I mean I saw Obito's face...up close  His face hasn't been shown in the manga yet...I have 3 days of school left and I spend one opf my days off...with a cold -.- Hi how are ya?
I'm fine  I haven't been here in a while 'cuz...well I was busy...and I have a Gaia avatar now!
I'm gonna be busy today...I have to do my room -.-'
yeah I know...but I want to do it...weird eh?
Yup! My room never needs cleaning...oops, its past midnight hon, I should go. I'll try, no, I WILL remember to send an E-mail some time. Kay? Goodnight ^-^
yeah ok...cya...I forgot you had it O.o'
Interesting how everyone seems to be sick  I have a runny nose right now  and It sucks
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