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lol thanks, I chose a random place, I was about to leave to the mall, I was headin down cellar and just took a pic ^_^
I did! the camera was at the top of the stairs in the bag, and I thought "hmmm, what the hell" cause I felt like takin one, and it was dark in the basement, so I thought it would look cool ^_^
yeah he is.
what can I say tis how I am sometimes!
Hug attack!
*runs strait into it*
*comes in to room sees singer and J* <(@_@)> <(@.@)> G: oO?
Hahahahahaaa! But no she's a minor! plus I have Nik!♥♥♥
i meant you wer both out could from teh hu attack -.-"
Oh, my bad!^-^ so G what else have you been doing this past week?
work T_T and lots of it, what have you been up to?
School, and lots of it! I hate it goddammit! I named all of my teachers my favorite one is miss Gilgamish Pussy!^_^
lol I want to see your Miss Ronald McDonald *huggle and kisses J*
Wow that would feel much better if it was in person... how was your day? Mine was... okay!=3
one Q about the pic.. you just thought, the best pics are made in the cealing???
So? by the way I only like one of the 3 new pics Nik... you look so sexy with caps on!^^
lol oh no, I was heading down cellar, and the stairs slant down, caust there is another staircase above em G , mine was alright, painful earlier.... all your fault! *punch J in the arm* lol *huggle* thank you baby
lol *give G my coffee* it is hazelnut flavored!
Lol G!XD he is always like this... you need sleep!XD Here take a pillow and rest! *plops pillow on floor*
my fingers are freezing! it so cold here! especially my legs are cold!!!
*stage dive at pillow, realize middair, the floor is bigger then the pillow....no time to* BANG! *slams in floor* @_@
I am not hot or cold... its just meh weather...
uh oh... oh crap he fell on the coffee too.... ouch... that has to burn...
here we have had temperd and wett... dont like that combination... hmm you know what, im gonna say g�night now, se ya later guys...
see ya G!
Your hair is really nice... as are your eyes... and the whole rest! Damn you, J, for taking him first! XD
xd ur cute
Oh...the whole world is jealous of J...YOU SEE WHAT LOOKING GOOD DOES NIK XD
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