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thanx anyway,kiki  it looks sooooooooooooooomuch better  ....and........i chang ed my otfit .......again...now it has the sign of her clan on it and it comes in purple, blue, green, yllow, white,and black.but her main color is still light purple
like dont use wide lines it looks bad
thanx for the advice  i know it looks bad.....ive learnd that the hard way
i know you know it look bad
im just gonna do u in this picture ok?
that works....but u already made it.....ANSWER UR COMMENT 1CE IN A WHILE!!!!!!!!!and iot was me ho origonaly made this pic!
ok * kinatara and naruto sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G.*
first comes love then comes marrage then comes baby in a baby carrage
...? um cool pic
ok i wont
i won't .............. * coughs, on this pic*
*rolls up sleeve* DIE NARUTO *punches to DEATH* muwahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
go nara go kill him
*sniffle, sniffle*poor naruto ...how would u like it if u were treated like u treat him*sniffle, sniffle*
GET OVER HIM!anyway nara wait up i want to pumle him too!
*gient brike wall falls in front of naruto to protect him*...  that will be enouf of that now...key hello kina_girl618 my names the boy and i dont really fancy all this ganging up so guys please stop...kina_girl618 get naruto out of here okay
how come YOU protect him??kiki knows earth,and nara and i know wind*and i know sand sorta*and since i am gaaraa's cousin...
ah but you see i still dont fancy the fact that people gang up on a person...so i will still protect *steps in front of brike wall*just incase this isent enouf...i will say this please stop hurting him so come now lets stop all this sincliss hurting ok
thank the boy...i ow u 1....  *takes naruto and puts him in room full of ramen*
you know once in awhile he'll eat it all...
...ya....so........at lest hes away from here..*sighs*
and then he'll be in a locked room without ramen!and only i have the key!!!
no i didnt...she says i hate him for making me say i hate him.
i didn't kniow you were gaara's cousin  oh and nara will be sooo happy when she finds out that naruto's locked in a room
you know it's kind of werid that in these comments were mad, but in a different 1 were thanking eachother
? idont get iot...
what does iot mean
so...what happened 2 her hair? i mean it's great sry...i dont mean 2 offend ne 1
Kiki_earthwolf_SWEET!!: Did you send me a message?
because i was bored, and i was tired of waiting for myh friend to answer the ones i sent to her
what does XD mean
Its a face. Tilt your head to the left at a 90 degree angle. See? The "X" is the eyes and the "D" is the mouth
oh............ i see it is it ok if i add you to my buddy list
Yeah its ok
thank you
Wait! You know how to add ppl to your buddy list?
you go to forum
Yes I know where to go, but when I type in a name, nothing happens
oh, some thing happends you just need to go to quick links and under quick links there's an open buddie list thing, and you click on that to see your buddie list
and thats what you do
Ok thnks ^^
your wecome
i like the hamster dance song *listens to song*
OMG ME TOO!!!  (Listens to it too)
i can tell why hamsters like it
Its another hampster talking to other hampsters in their language
i know ..... hay how did you do that divel face
ok. Write twisted in between : (those)
Hey Ino! (Hugs)
between what  ,oh those..., where did you learn that
hi  where did you learn that
INO!!! Pft...."huggies"
hi  where did you learn that
Boyo taught me ^-^
boyo? can you do more of those faces?
I dont know, i'll try to find some.....
how do u do that 1?  :Mr. Green:??
Yeah only dont put a dot
:mr green: is that it?  :Mr Green: ???can u shiw me?....wait..........  ?
:] C!
hi! yo! sup! yo homie dooface!!
? yah
lol!^^ i like thbis game! it fun! yah.
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