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i sorta guessed on the clothes
awsome kiki!!!  this is good!!ill tell her 2 look at it!!
this is AWSOME!!!!!THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!*gives kiki twenty candy bars*
oh my gosh this is made with 100% chocolate the hardest to find but the sweetest chocolate bar where did you get these
well u know....lils...tell her.
let's just say....naruto and his wallet were involved...
yeah,sure let's go with that...
it makes even better because you use all of naruto's money for it
...*says in threatening tone*no it dosent!!!
actully i left him a little money left...
*naruto screams-great, i lost my wallet and i'm homeless now*haha
*thinking*of course that wallet is in my poket!!*laughing*
...........u can live with me until uv raised enough money 2 live in your apartment again..  naruto: thanx kina.
if he has an apartment to go to *points at recking ball about to reck naruto's apartment*
no my apartment...hes staying with me.
he can't stay with you forever, after all after my family died i got my manshion all to myself and now i'm a indepent girl with a justu that lets me pull gold out of the ground
he hasn't payed off he';s last one thourgh
humph...............i guess ill just lend him my wallet *turns around and fidgedets* (thinking) one i get all these pics of him outta here.*turns back around* here u go. *stuffs pics in pockert*
umm... kinatara isn't that your journel that you left in your wallet
he he he....i wonder....naruto:dear dairy today naruto sad hi to me for the 376 time....not that i'm counting....ohhh what about this one....dear dairy i guess you know already that i like....*mutters other words in kina's dairy....is that a picture of me in the diary???
is naruto saying those word? i can't tell?
ohh so he was saying it
(NARUTO)see ya kinatara i have to show this to sakura and hinata and possibly saskure
wow  , he's deaf too
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