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i hope this makes it up 2 u lils!!
i does!!!it's (...)
y thank u!^^
u r welcome!!
is haley still there?if so tell her i saaid (...)
whats (...) is it weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee or whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa or heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee or whatever? ps. want 2 know my real name?
say wat??
i don't know. i'm questinoing the (...) thing.
its hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii not ne of those stuffs. hehe!!^^wats up peeps!!^^
did you know she got an account
yeah. but ...has she made ne pics?
i dont think so....
i think i see it......u did the mist headband but u were supposed 2 do leaf?
she is from the mist and i'm from the sand village....
oh.....that makes sense.
i'm temari's cousin...creepy isn't it?
yep! i meqant my tail is tiny and bad....
well it's a tail??!!!
wats do u mean well its a tail? i mean the ??s?
navermind you wouldn't understand it's MAX related
max... ...u mean the one?i told u i dont like him nemore. hes gone and just plain past.
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