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 you spelled zochi wrong.
good pic i like it and dont fell bad a made a mistake on one of my pics to i thank you know which one
yeah, id think anyone will notice. you also spelled wasn't wrong.lol. 
oh, hi!
so...u guys like them so far..? anything i'm going wrong..?
yo Tasha! lol. hi-ness!
nothings worng with them there all great hi suzuka-chan
cool. um...idk if i've meet u before....
who..me? i dont think weve met..hi. hi boyo *hugs boyo*
hi suzuka-chan *hug*
idk...i'm gonna make another pic.
its ok Tasha. lol im tty addicted 2 that song Sugar Baby...^.@
ok ino later thats ok tasha ^-^ oh really suzuka-chan
.....why? what...but...yes i am or i really like the song
yeah i really like the song walking desaster by sum41
...never heard it....srry boyo ~.~
oh, my bad, it's called "the most fun a girl can have is lying"....by Panic! At The Disco....
thats ok i allso like keep on fishen by weezer and i like loop a loop by asain kung fu genaracthion oh i love that song from panic at the disco right ino that is such a good song
oh..cool....were do u live boyo? here in the US?
somwhere in flordia...
yup i live in the US and im afracin american to i live in yulee florida
who...u or boyo  ...boyo..ur african american?.......O.O
yeah im african american..yeah i know how much of a shock that is people say i act like a whit boy
yeah..i live in gallatin, tenneessee.
cool. i live in da US.
sorry guys i gotta go my sister wants to get on the computer and i can see why it would be a shock suzuka-chan i act nothing like how you would igspect a african american would i dont listen to rap and i dont talk slang like most do its not that i dont like talking that way i dont know how to and peopl say i talk like a whit boy to and they say i sound like a girl...well thats what they say any way gotta go bye
....ok boyo...its okay though..
boyo, tell them ur ex girlfriend will come down to flordia and kick their shitty asses, k? ^-^ {i'll bring sakura,too. {she still has a chrush on u..}...she'll do more damge than me even though i'm alonly 14 and she's 13...i think she's 13...}
lol ur 14? im 12...
lol,ik!  idk if she's 13 or 12....
what fight? what...yes..im almost 13....and i pick SOOO many fights at school....
hey, do u guys have a animed character...? if not i can make you one...
yeah, up above is my character, but my computer won't let me upload pics so i have to email them to blossom.^-^
bummer that u cant upload them...yes i have my own animed character.... Tasha, i know this is tty out of the blue, and im known for asikng wierd qwuestions but..do u talk w/ a english accent?
no..didnt mean to offend you....
okay...wats >.> mean?
oh..its ok i get it..
 has any one seen kira lately?
no..srry. i made ya a gift
um...thanks ino ill tell them that there most likely to laugh at me but there are these two boys who wont stop calling me a pimp i deslike being called a pimp alot ever since it started last year in my first year of school they woudent shut up and and they allways call me a pimp im not a pimp i hate pimps every time they call me that i want to put them in a head lock so bad man i hate it!!
um...i'm coming to flordia this summer..
oh yeah you sed you where right wine we where still dateing but i live in yulee i guss youl have to look up yulee on the internet to see how to get there i guss but i dont live in the city...say want my phone number i cant ask you for yours cus that would be kind of weird but anyway if we chould call each other you would know how to get here and you chould even say hi to my family over the phone just a yes or no i know this is a weird thing to ask
you ino..
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