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cuties!!!! love em!!!!
thx,but how can i make them like each other if they hate each other got any ideas uryuulshidalover00
HIYA INO-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi.^-^ i can't be on for long, i have school tomarrow, and i'm tried from spending the whole day at the hospital.
oh, i spelled it wrong, anyway my sister had a um...gosh...what r they called...um.. i think it's called a seijer or something like that.. i didn't even get to eat breakfast, she had it while i was letting my biscuit cool off..
hmmm..hard decision XD they do look kinda cute! where did ya find this pic? lol
we think so, the docter didn't know what waz wrong, he told us just to watch her.
2 freakin hours doing nothing. boy, that waz fun. u do know what i mean by seijer right? where u start shaking uncontrolably... just making sure u knew what i meant. ^^'
yea i know but 2 hours in the hospital..wow
it. waz. boring. trust me. and from all that they didn't find anything wrong. it waz kinda stupid if u ask me.
that must have been boring,u didn't bourt something to make u busy
i should have, all i brought waz my ipod.
i have an ipod to,my mom order me an iphone it's coming this tuesday
its spelled seizure!! and those r kinda bad! im glad she'll b ok!!! OH and cherry y not have dark randomly save her from something and then tells himself he loves her but he tries not but he cant help it!!! and hinasha starts 2 love him after he saves her and she does the same thing!! how about that?? OMG U HAVE AN IPHONE!!! ........
ur scarin me....
my bad
its ok and I WANT:::::::COOKIES R AWESOME!!
i love cookies!! -finds giant cookie- MY COOKIE!! or ill make Gaara kill u!! -takes out Gaara and puts him in front of me- Gaara: not now Yachiru!! Me:
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