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not my best!! -_-'
i love this pic!! its sooo sweet  5/5!
ty!!  im just having fun with the little fight between yachiru and keigo....he knows that right?? but it waz still funny lol!! XD
yes im friends with sarina.....even though we fight sometimes...mainly over her love 4 takai....
-_-................ok stop twitchin............-twitch-
how does takai feel about u being friends with it?
it??? ok thats just mean!!!  takai bugs ma about once in while he'll say "y r friends with her???"
fine HER, and ur response is?
i said my response.........-_-...............
 well, i agree w/ him! does keiko bug u about it 2?
-_- do u need 2 answer that??? OF COURSE U DO!!!!
good point  oh, and i decided sasuke should soften up 2 keiko a lil bit
kk!!! and he loves me!!  cuz i love sasuke!! but we dont get 2gether...idk who i should go with and it cant be syaoran.....cuz hes....syaoran........
so can u do the story 4 my pic "hospital vsist" w/ keiko and sasuke plz? and y cant it b syaoran?
-_-............sure..........and it cant be syaoran bcuz he loves every single girl.....besides i want some1 from the show!!!
i can twist his personality tho! and if u want some1 from the show how about...neji?!
no i want some1 from the show.....idk.....nejis hot but his destiny thing is peice of crap...but then naruto changes it....but i waz thinkin gaara!!! o my sweet gaara!!  whos not so sweet.....-_-....
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