That wrong
u got that right
true dat brother
dunno kinda turns me on
Personaly I think tsunade looks awsome in dis pic!( and I'm not lik (sic) im a girl)
HOLY ****
No Tsunade!
grow up
grow up?
them morons who think this pics disgusting
shes one of the most amazing anime characters ive ever seen.....she is as beauteful as any woman and she is abale to put the fear of god in you she will brang you to your knees and BREAK!!! ....your soul she can give you a stare that will hunt you in your dreams for years death and beyond she will take her fist and with it brake your back with the power of one thousend fist you may not be afaride of what i say but meat her face to face and you shall see what i mean long live lady tsunade
Wow that was cool!
um yhank you i dident thank any one was here...um thanks some times i get cought up in the moment....your name was j right im sorry but its kind of hard to remeber names
yeah he's J...sorry Boyo but I have to go talk to ya later
oh tasha um sorry i leaft for so long but i was busy with my gallery sorry um latter....J wered you go
he left a while ago...you don't need to apologise
oh ok say tasha what did you thank of my gallery
I like it...you have some nice pics in there...I deleted my gallery...I didn't want it anymore ^^,
im sorry tasha i kinda wounderd off....say tasha
Tasha is missing Boyo well she isn't missing, her computer is having trouble, either she will be on later today, or tomorrow.
o ok......edit: ryoko...whered you go?...ryoko ...
sorry I had to feed the dogs and put some sheets on the clothes line.
lol well my comp is working...needed a better fan
my overheats sometimes, it did earlier when I was talkin to Tanya, but I put a small portable fan infront of it, and it is fine.
well I had a bigger fan replace it...I was shitting myself...i didn't think I'd get on TT~TT
lol *huggle Tasha* well I am glad you did! I was gettin lonely, jeeze O_O my sister put on some kind of perfume upstairs, but all I can smell is this fruity stuff all over the house
I love stuff like that! Aww poor you...I'm someone would come and talk to you
*hug Tasha* Tasha the bestiest ^_^
aww thank you Nik *big hug* Nik is the greatest ^-^ My comp is alot quiter now too XP
lol, mine has always been loud, but it helps me sleep at night
O.o that'd keep me awake...I turn mine off ^-^
I am just used to noise, I can't have silence and sleep, I need something, a fan, wind, or the computer to make a whirring noise.
lol saying that I sometimes need music....I hardly slept last night ~.~
I can't fall asleep to music, unless it is soft and gentle, if it is loud like my other music, it makes me want to sing, but then again so does soft music >.<
jeeze O_O periods suck!!! *THANKS THE GODDESS FOR BEING A MAN!*
shut up -.-' mine ain't that bad...but they're often irrgular...like i missed 2 or 3 months once...most times i miss a whole month ^-^
so? half of the time you don't even realise >.< But I don't get the pains...like I've said before, I'm lucky that way
eww that's just...no Nik there is no chance I'd do that >.<
I would helping other people isnt it tasha
no that's sick...shut up now >.< lol Yasmin...you do it then lol...stick a funnel in you vagina and watch the blood drip drip drip XD
no but thats just grose
rofl ^_^ SOON THE WHOLE WORLD OF FEMALES SHALL DO IT! buwhahahha! I am a creative helper....
you're sick Nik XD Yeah I know it's grose XD
I am not grose... well... I sorta am.... but whatever.... it is why people love me.
er that's enough for me to not like you XP
*cry* tasha doesn't like me because I am grose!!!!
lol sorry, I went to let the dogs out, but they didn't want to go out, so I was gonna head back to my room, but my dog Domonic was in the doorway, and he was growling at me and wouldn't let me by. So I took a pillow off my brother's bed, and threw it at the dog, and he ran away ^_^
lol talking about pillows I'm layed on one on top of my desk...my head hurts T.T
awww poor tasha *rub tasha's head* tasha feel better now?!
nah its still bad...thanks anyway...but listening to DOA made the sick go away XD
lol, really?! I would think DOA singing about spinning like a record would make someone sick cause of the spinning
lol true but he's a great singer and it's a great song
well I guess if it makes you feel better, barry white makes me feel better "Theres only one like you, theres no way they could have made two" makes ya feel special ^_^
lol bless ya...you are special...I'm feeling alot better now though
yay! DOA is magical!
rofl...radio's playin crap at the moment -.-'
my computer is my radio ^_^
well I'm listening to the radio on my comp ^-^
I feel like a dork when I know all the lyrics to a song -_-, like Good Day, Can't Get Enough of Your Love, My First My Last My Everything, Just the way you are, Intuition, Hands, etc O_O most of those are done by Jewel and Barry White
so? I know all the lyrics to most of my songs too XD
well, atleast I am better singer than my brother, and me and my sister make a good duet singers, I don't care what J says! I am a good singer!
lol I'm a crap singer...like I'm a crap editor too...
oh don't put yourself down Tasha! My hands are small I know, but they are not yours, they are my own!
well I am...I don't know what you was saying in the second part XD
lol, it is a song I am singing
ah ok...too sleepy to think ~.~ but yeah i ain't editing anymore...what's the point?
I dunno, to make Nik happy? sorry if I havn't replied, I noticed stuff on the bottom of my sandles, like paint stuff O_O so I just peeled it off with my keys, was takin forever!
hm but i dunno which you like
whatcha mean? which one I like? I always like the black sakura outfit ^_^ one of my fav edits you did!
really? you ain't gonna be happy...I can't find it O.o
NOOOOOO! *ignores Tasha forever* and... *takes off tasha's friendship bracelet* THATS WHAT YOU GET!
fine TT~TT I'm going to bed anyway...no hug...but Anni gets one ^-^
nooo! *huggle Tasha* I wuv my tasha!!!!!
aww me too I have to go...hope to see ya usual time if my comp works *hug*
of course Tasha dear! *hug* sweet dreams!
um anybody here....dang i i feel asleep
I am here Boyo
dang it i fell asleep again...
well i am here again ^_^
same here ^-^
ryko im sorry i fell asleep
where did Nik go? TT~TT
nah it probably wasn't what you said...he left coz I'm here XD jk but yeah he's Nik
Oh sorry! ^_^, I was on Myspace, changing something, but eventually gave up, cause it is way too long, not uh Tasha! =P I would never leave ya!
aww thanks...no hug? TT~TT
o ok...say tasha
hm Nik's vanished again ^^, I wonder if that loser will come back again That argument was no fun...it was boring ~.~ Yes Boyo?
yeah that loser is back *hug tasha* oh! you meant that other person! lol I thought you meant me!
I want chocolate!
yeah the one with the email username...no fun at all...I saw him in the forum...I wonder if he'll come here I would never call you a loser Nik! How could you think that? *hug*
want some white chocolate? CAUSE IT'S HOW YOU FEEL TASHA! *cries*
wtf?! STALKER! He's back Nik...I told you! Hiya J DOn't ever feel that way Nik *hug* There there
i am not a stalker and last night wont happen again. ijust had to let off some steam
exactly, stalker >_> *hug Tasha*
I feel very stressed... I start prison thursday
lol I told you so Nik *huG* I'm scared T~T What ever stalker I don't care! You're a pathetic fighter >.< you're going to prison J? nah you can't be O.o
I AM NOT A STALKER and i was just mad thats all.
*hug J* poor thing =(, but then it ends on friday and you have three days off! And I can call you, and we can have a grand old time
Leave em alon Tasha and Nik... Prison to me is school Tasha!
oh so just happen to come on the same pic as us then?
Yes sir
about a few days ago i was workeng on my gallery i got bored and deside to see what picture has the most views and to read the comments so i decide to read each one and i found two pictures that i came acros will reading them....
its batter then putting comments on random stuff
ah ok Boyo...too many people @.@' how is it better?
I'm horny... I need my Nik.
O.o thanks for that J...Nik was yesturday morning too -.-'
feeling is mutual sweety -_-
too many comments and people...I'm going to another pic...anyone care to join?
umm, I go where J goes. So if he wants to, I will.
never mind forget it
fine...stay here...I'm taking out the rubbish
Nik... follow me!=3
k I follow you! ^_^
wait thats not what i meant ill come with you.....tasha
go with them if you want ^^,
um wait are you going or staying here im confused
well I was at the other pic but I'm gonna go for a while...cya
o ok bye tasha i shoudent even be up right now its 2:38 over here i guss ill head in
okie dokie Cya later
good night tasha *hug*
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