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THIS IS COOL and who dosnt get bored in math
SASKEEE XDD oh nee-chan you�re so talented...but why has sasuke-kun so much hair?normaly he has not that much..i�m confused...sorry but you know I just know a little bit about naruto..T.T if it�s a stupid question,i�m sorry ♥
how did you do that little heart?
Nee-chan he has that long hair when the curse from Orochimaru comes out..Then he looks so weird^^
♥ that heart..okay it�s difficult for me to explaine because i have a german keyboard...hold the key left from shift and then press 3 (not the 3 above,the 3 on the right side) it�s important to hold that key and press 3 at the same time ^^
i can't do it i don't have a german keyboard i have a jersey keyborad
hmm okay...then try to copy i�t^^
kooooooooool! I GET BORED IN MATH/ALGEBRA!!! ♥ OMG I GOT THE HEART!!!! ive always wanted 2 no how! thx petit demon! even though u werent telling me...-_-'
♥ i love this!!! i can do the heart now!! ^-^
no problem i�m glad i could help you (...) and i love to make hearts xD♥
you mean the z button or the ctrl button?
��hm... on my keyboard it�s 'alt'...i don�t know,sorry
♥I can do it,too!♥
i can't get it
YAYZ!! ♥ hey chrissi try copying and pasting!! thats wat i did lol!
hi pll
hiya!!! ♥
heeey ♥
I Think that�s totally cute!!^^♥
♥ HEEEY!! how is every1??
Hearts are easy I have an american keyboard so most of you will be familiar with it I hope.. ♥= Alt and 3 ♦=Alt 4 ♣=Alt 5= ♠=Alt 6 �=Alt 7 ◘=Alt 8 ○=Alt 9 Alt 1 and two are smilies awesome pic btw
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