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Dramatic sunshine pose... he still looks creepy AAH!
You think Gai-sensei is creepy? You have problems....
He dun look creepy. He looks cool.
Thats funny MilaOftheDesert and i usually like the same things ^_^
eweweweweweweweweewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! its looking at me.... STOP LOOKING AT ME!! plz? see u reduced me to begging... no plz stop... STOP!!!!........ -jumps in the river and swims back to Kakashi's place -
Huh? That's odd, I_LOVE_U_KAKASHI... I luv Gai-sensei! He's so cute!
Gai's funny. I love it when he has those great big rants to Kakashi about how he's going to beat him and how he's better than him and then Kakashi turns round and goes, "huh? Were you saying something?" and then Gai blows up. Hilarious.
heh heh....yah....(looks over at Gai to notice him looking at her) STOP STARING AT ME! I CAN'T TAKE THE PRESSURE!!! *jumps into a volcano and swims around*
I actually started to like him because he is So nice to kakashi
!? peacock: wtf? me: nice pift, there RIVAILS! XD Kakashi wins the tie-breaker so hes better than gia er gia er whatev
Gai really has two major goals: 1: to surpass Kakashi, and 2: to get Lee in bed, even by means of rape. I wrote a chapter about it in my version. It's pretty graphic! Not for the weak of heart or stomach.
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