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awww poor Chihiro, lol! nice pic!! it suprises me how you can edit so well^^
AWWW! -hugs Chihiro- Its ok, Chihiro-chan!
I love the fishnet ;u; I suck at making them. Awesome edit ^o^
I suck at fishnet 2!! My fishnet=BLECH!!!!
oh Asami i have a question^^'
What is it?
thanks guys ^^
Lol. I like how you did the gloves.
which ones?
The ones you did on Fumi. I could NEVER do that as well as you can.
2 actually, 1: how did you make the sharingan on Asami in a pic you made and 2: where are your lighting, blood spatter brushes, etc. located?
you can get brushes from deviant art
U CAN???????????????/
i didnt know that...............i feel stupid.........................
How I did the sharingan: I copyed Sasuke's eye xD
it won't let meh give u a link
really? where do you go on DA to get them?
just type something like 'blood brushes' 'star brushes' ect.. if you want them
Fumi: Shooortie-chaaaaaaaan *evil smirk* :3.... // And BTW thanks i love it xD
Chihiro: STFU <<; Me: no problem ^^
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