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Aw she looks really cute here
yeah,very cute.I hope she will be my girlfreind........
Of course........the idiot always imagines to be with the cute girl *glances at supernaruto*
*stares at supernaruto* that boy. A full-time daydreamer, he daydreams more than me
oh gawd  check out the breasts in the back
TaoRen u perv
LOL i can't deny that this was kinda funny....but shame on you anyway *g*
hay supernaruto my gf looks almost like hinata except she has green eyes huge breast and is alot more open and not as nerves hehehehe this had nothing to do with the pic but she right behind me and made me type it *gf hits me* nvm it was all me lol
i like how hinata is shy i really like shy girls
She's so pretty in this pic! o^_^o NING CHU WANG DAO~!!
Hey naruto&hinataforever2 why do you like hinata
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