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she looks as if she is making a peice offering or she is up 2 somit! am i rite or wrong?
i dont think she is or ever would b peaceful! this picture is decieving
Ino is a very peaceful person. Until someone hets her angry.^_^
which is...lets try.....all the time!
That`s because she sees everyone around her as being inferior. ^_^
that tends to be all the time then doesnt it Daisy_Chainsaw ^-^
I wish I was like her....
Good then i kill u aswel
killing ppl is wrong nless your insane .. so Star-chan go ahead ^_^
Um, Clarad? Where did you get the notion that insanity justifies murder? Because it doesn`t.
I was just trying ti make a joke ... but lots of insane ppl kill and they dont know what they are doing ..... and I agree with you about insanity doesnt jutifies murder
maybe it does for Star-chan ^_^ he is insane
looks like it also Quiero dormir en la rana llameante de mairda
Quiere dormir en la rana llameante de mairda? Eso es muy extra�o. Por que?
asunto de doesnt que es raro. pero �l es realmente loco y quiz�s hace realmente ese hehe
she said "Wants to sleep in the blazing frog of mairda? That is very strange.Why?" and I said "doesnt matter beecuase its weird . but he is really crazy and perhaps does really do that hehe"
kool, it would b fun 2 do so
do whjat?? SLEEP IN Quiero dormir en la rana llameante de mairda LOL
yes!! it would be fun!
wats mairda? Spanish is my first language but I dont know a lot. isnt that sad.
i believe that means shit. I woz hyper and decided 2 say "i want 2 sleep in a pile of blazing frog shit" or summing yeah i woz mental
I think its spelled mierda not mairda, cause i never heard anyone say mairda in my entire life.
Pretty picture! Guessing the rose is for Sasuke-kun or Lee perhaps...?
I think it is one of her good pictures! She is so pretty!
hey does n.e. 1 know what episode have ino working at her shop
Ino rocks!!!!! Ino and Sasuke soo belong togther! Sakura trys to hog him Ino and Sasuke belong!!!!
lol you wish, keep dreaming
Heh, sakura5207, you need to get over yourself. We're allowed to like SasuIno and it's not exactly a crack pairing so, "Keep dreaming." isn't something you can say unless you're the creator and know what's going to happen. And Ino is so cute in this pic! ^^
u have your opinion and i have mine. i personaly dont like her, but shes much better than the jonas brothers(hss) but ya well know deep down tht sasuino is impossible so continue to dream hun
sakura5207 if the real sakura don't like her is doesn't meens that you hate her ok!
lol that doesnt make much sense...i dont hate her cuz sakura does...i just dont like the way she treats sakura. but i kinda see your point, thx
um sakura treats ino worse even when ino was nice to her.
^w^ Ino is the BEST naruto character,besides Kankuro!
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