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*looks at ring on Itachi's finger* Oh my God! Dont tell me he's married! He told me he only loved me!!!
Yup he is maarried to me you must have been talking to an imposter  sorry
Will you wannabe fangirls stop claiming characters for your own? =_= I'm sure Itachi wouldn't want to be 'owned' by anyone, so if you really love him, leave him the heck alone. Which is what I do. Anyway, I love this picture~!
hes not married is he?????
is that...nail polish????????
Sorry girls, he's just a drawing. And you don't own him.
... i hope he doesnt like negative girls... if any girls... im a glum negative girl... (exept when im around his little brother)... nice to meet you all...
finaly someone like me
. . . again, it is thy pleasure to meet you. . .
nice is not in my vocabulary
. . . we've just met. . . and i already. . . admire. . . your hatetred. . . . . .
admire all u wish i shall be hated like thine darkness before thee tis my darkest dream...to become hated and i shall be freed
are you satanistic or gothic or something? (im wicca)
no just love talking in renisance english its fun
Itachi just is into rings, OK?
i see... It's kinda anoying (if you want to know that) You see i was reading the first couple pics and all and then it was still 'cool' but after seeing you talk like that for a hundred times now its really bothersome and anoying. And you always insult other people (see previous pic) while you yourself were wrong. So before insulting other people... get the proper information.
Oooh... I will be using THIS in my Itachi fanfic... *saves*
The rings resemble the certian akatsuki member, as Deidara told Tobi.
this is when he beats up kakashi, azuma, and kurenai! also itachis name means weasel (in japanese folktales weasels are an ill omen symbolizing bad luck and death)
Drake_Dragon I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!
i like sasuke's sharingan more
Drake_Dragon dont listen to the others I though what you said is interesting
ok girls, even if he was married, it would be on his left hand, the one closest to the heart duh
u people have o.c.d (obsessive compulsive disorder)
lol eyes are pretty.....pretty....i feel pretty, o so pretty, *gets hit with a shovel*
...the danger is in his eyes :I Kisame: hes killed me, in between 18 and 19 times
Girlwithagun is right! O.C.D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The reason why Itachi is wearing nail polish is because it is part of the Akatsuki uniform. As for the ring, he's not married, it's another part of the Akatsuki uniform, and corresponds to the finger the member stands on when standing on the finger of the bijuu sealing statue the ring is on.
i wear fanger nail polish its pretty fun and its blue to my faverite color i just started wearing nail polish today its fun really fun i can see now why girls wear it its fun
hi boyo
was that suppose to be itachi the boy
no it wasent i just like wearing nail polish
was that suppose to be itachi the boy
no like i sed i just like wearing nail polish
I want his his ring. What am i saying i want him period
YES PURLE EMO NAIL POLISH!!!! bash emo's and I'll eat you
That is a wonderful picture that you are sharing http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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