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sweet pic!
thx i'm in love with Tai from Digimon and when he's older..i wanna marry him
(evil scientist smile) so you love him that much?
duh..and if some1 else wants him*evil smile*
oooo im telling naruto
this is from another anime..
i know i just wanted to say that
should i tell Sasuke about Haseo..
*gasps loudly* you wounl'nt dare
u got that right..i just felt like saying that..
Oh now i know how you felt.....ok ok ya win
(drinks sprite) this is interesting.
Sasuke: now what should sasuke know? Me: EEEE
Me:that your zipper is open..
me: (spits out sprite and bursted into laughter)
lol! Me: Sasuke, ur fly is open!  It's stuck! lol! (can u look at my last upload)
lol! Me: *spits out Diet Pepsi and falls outta comp. chair laughing*
me: (rolling on the floor laughing)
lol! Me: *starts singing* Sasuke brings all the girls to the yard! Damn right!
Haseo: hi. Shadow: WHATTA MEAN TELL SASUKE ABOUT HAS~ Haseo: hm? Shadow: nothing Haseo.... <cuddles> Haseo: uh...right...so...sup?
Shadow: <glares at Chrissi> Haseo: OO;;; you people have problems...
Me: *giggles* hi haseo Sasuke: ZIP ALREADY!!!!!
me: (tries to talk but fails)
lol! I made ur angel request thing chrissi
Shadow: <hugs Haseo tighter> grrr. =______= Haseo: uh...i'm going to go get something to drink, want anything? for god's sake Sasuke, go get some new pants. -_____________-;;;;;
Hi shadow. i have good news ^-^
Really? what is it?
Well...um...me and gaara are going to have a wedding on Friday in the chat room so i was wondering if you want to be one of my bridesmaids.^-^
I DO!!!
YES!!!!! I'D LOVE TOO!!!!! YAY!! wait, is Haseo invited???
Yes haseo is invited too and if you can get more people to be in it that would be great we might have it in the misc room.
dang, i have too get a new ticket. -______-;;;
Just save your money 4 Friday of the wedding and if you have no money i can ask gaara to donate some cause thats what i have to do cause i have no monry.
lol, ok. just wondering if Haseo was invited.
Oh and here is the people so far Me-bride Zac-Groom You-bridesmaid Anita Tseu- bridesmaid Eli-bridesmaid Rose- maid of honor thats all i have all i need is a lot more people.
who's rose? ;o;
Oh rose is this girl on chat her whole name is Blood_Rose something like that but i need a flowergirl,ringbarriar,preacher,and gaara needs a best man.(probably Waku)
probably. damn. i wanted to the the best girl. ;-; (second to you of course. XD )
Well you i can just tell Rose that she can be a bridesmaid i'll go tell her now.
THANK YOU!! <hugs tight> Xp YUSH! lol. meh bored. -________________-;;;
Go on chat with me.
k, i'm on the laptop, so let me turn on meh computer.
Ok i'll wait.
I have come to say HI!!
Shadow: <turns away from Alexis and glares at Chrissi again> Haseo: ._____.;
Me:Sasuke your zipper is still open-.-
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