we did great!
Lol. I wanna partner now...XD Good job you guys! *Gai pose*
Yush we did do AWESOME!! Thanks Hoshi-chan! *hugs Saikyo and Ayameko* Uwah~
thank you!
Uwah~ Your welcome! Kya~
lol Uwaaaa~
XD Kya!
Uwah~ I wonder if Sai is gay...
HE IS gay! His favorite word is Peni*!!!
yus i agree
I havent heard him say it yet. I wonder how the dubbers will ruin it?
^^;;;;; He says it somewhere in shipp
He'll probably say "Are you even a guy?" lol. I'm gonna serch for the ep. later.
No, he said something else. First Naurto said"That pics nothing speaical" Then sai said "Thats right. Just like your d***" I used to have the pic of naruto's reaction in my gallery, but i deleted the album.
LMAO! XD Good comeback Sai!
-nod nod-
i knoe i was like LMAOROFL!!! when i saw that. I fell outta my chair. Literally!
i blushed
i couldent help it!
*giggle snort* *looks at TV* OI! Death note is on! 8D
i never seen death note!
me either.
i get confused on what its about!
i dun even know what it is about!
Its hard to explain. I'll find a summary and then post it or something.
ok is it about a guy with a book that kills people?
Yes! He finds a Death God's book called the death note! He writes people's names in the Deathnote and a few seconds later, that person dies. The guy then decides to use the book to destroy all evil and become God over a new world.
Uwah~? 83
-tilts head to side- ......ok? this guys name is light right?
...-clicks tongue-
Yeppers! And theres a crazy girl named Misa who wants to be his lover and a funneh guy named L who has a huge sweet tooth.
....yea.....i dont know how i knew that.....
idk this stuff at all XDDDDD
YOUR PSYCHIC! Thats how! lol!
cool lets see if i can see whats for lunch tomarrow X) *closees eyes*
-cha chas-
XD mmmm...pickles... *cha chas with Saikyo*
cha cha cha cha cha!
bow chica wow wow!!!
wow wow wow! -puts on hamster dance someone should make a video with this song-
Lol! *dances with Akamaru* Love this song!
really? I got it from red vs blue.
clap your hands to the beat! -claps-
? o.O
-grabes kari's hands- dance with me!
O.O -being pulled by Hailey-
come on dance to the beat!
i cant dance............
XD *claps*
I CANT EITHER!!! BUT I STILL DANCE!!! -dances like a retard- weeeeeeeee
lol -jumps around like a complete idiot- BOOO YAWWWW!!!
*dances and smashes into Kari* man I suck. *falls*
-faces smashes into ground- FUC*!!! -gets nosebleed-
NUUUUUUUE! I is Sorry Kari! I'M SORRY!!!!! hjsefl;sbjlghiL! *freaks out*
-gets a kleenax for kari- ok maybe dancing was a bad idea......hoshi try nt to be so hyper *sweatdrop* ehehehee
-wipes blood- O.O;;;;;
hoshi-chan.....please calm down! its ok!
Uwah~...okay...*goes to drown herself in punch* 5 minutes later: *hiccup* I'm such a baaaaaad person....*hiccup* XP *passes out*
*spalshes water on hoshi* man i need some of that punch!
-shakes hoshi- WAKE UP !!!!!! -blood drips on her face- oops....
Plugsjkfbasd! Water! *looks down* GROOOOOOS BLOOOD!!!!! The horror! *clings to kari* I hate water and blood. XO Take the punch! It does wonders.
-drinks punch- *five minutes later* w-woooooo h-hooooo wat fun tis is huh? WHAT???? TALK LOUDER!!!
Gimme some puch! *bends over to take punch but falls* Uwah~ Its still in effect...XP
MINE NO MORE FOR HOSHI,hoshi , h-hoshi -chan, -plop-
Awsoem pic ![Very Happy](images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif) Uhm.. I wanted to ask HoshiHikaru Something if its ok with you Hoshi
Gah! Saikyo-chan! *grabs Saikyo and puts her in chair* My punch. I saw it..fir-*ploop* You know what? Just give me a banana... (What is it SpringRoseAmi?)
I was woundering if i could join my rpc Marcia in Getsurei I can post her bio up and stuff.
Yesh. Yesh you can. OwO
yea another member!!!! -blargs over back of chair-
x'3 Thank you for lettign me join Hoshi-chan
-clings to SRA- ;U; I wish yew were my partner x3
Yay... *cuddles Daiichi* Daiichi: How the F*ck did I get here?! Me: Just shut up and kiss me! Daiichi:...No. Me: *hic* WHore*
- huggels SlY- Same x'3
Yw! 83
hoshi HEHE chack out my latest upload!
-giggle snort-
Hoshi-chan I Simply Adore all yoru edits! there so cool/kawaii
*bi stary eyes* R-really?! Thanks! I like yours too! They're very creative! X3
sorry gut gotta go its 1 here and i need to go to bed goodnite
Nite Nite Saikyo-chan x3
I have to o too. Bye byes! 8D
Hoshi-chan Thank you For that complement X3 I dont see the creativness but thank you =3
Your welcome! *big white eyes* And you should see it! O.o
x3 im blind liek itachi-kun
Lol. I loves my blind brother. *hugs Itachi* Dont kill meh...
I wanna huggels Itachi-kun to!
Ok then! Go Nii-san! Go! *shoves Itachi towards SRA* Itachi: What the Eff?!
- Glomps and huggels Itachi- x3 Itachi-kun!!
Iyachi: GTF off. NOW. Me: You know you love it Itachi, or you would have killed her as soon as I let o of you. XD
Itachi needs Viiagra And a box of Popcorn ^-^ ( thats my answer to every problem)
XD Viara?!?!?! We talked about that in Health class! XDDDDD nice answer! I want popcorn now...
xD I has popcorn with me ^-^
>.> <.< *attacks SRA's popcorn* @.@
o-o My poppy corn! - attackes you who has my popcorn-
AHHHHHH!!! Nueeee my poprcorn now! *hisses* Daiichi: *in background* Your such a fatty. -.- Me: Shut up you Hoe! *throws jar of jelly at him*
lol! Ok you can keep the poppy corn .__.; i go make more ^0^
Oh yeah! I never thouht of that! XD Yay! 8eats popcorn*
x3 I ahs more poppy corn then you know
Ahhh.....DX Bitch....XP Just you wait...XO
- holds up itach- Hes muh hosteg >:3 so dont try any funny stuff
Uwah~! Nii-san! Nuuuuuueeeee. Meanie! What will you do if I do try funneh stuff? *takes step forward* OMG Your not gonna do him are Ya?!?!?!
- makes him drink a magic potion- * POOF!* Itach is now... A LAMA!!
O.o *takes step back* NUUUUUUEEE Nii-san is now a sexy llama!!!!!!! Nuuuueee! Daiichi! Run before its to late! She's ebil! EBIIIIIIL!!!!
Daiichi I turned him into a Bunny! Muwhahahaha
Nuuuuuueeeeeeee!!!!!! *goes to drink punch* 5 mins later: *hic* I'm such a *hic* bad persooooooon...... *hic* I shouldve stopped her! *hic* WHY CANT I HELP THE PEEP I LOVE!!!!!!!!!! *hic* *hic*
"Honey your llama's will drown us all ♪" xD
o.0? .__. I want some of that punch!
Itachi: - makes a llama sound at you and eats the potatoes-
xD lmao.. also I turne SLy Inot a MooMoo Cow
Moo? O.o
LOL! A moomoo! *pokes a cow* Your Hilarious! XD
and i turned you into a ducky!
D8 *is a moomoo cow*
*makes Donald Duck noise* *bites Natty* >D
o0o Bad Hoshi-ducky-chan no bittying moomoom-cow-Sly-chan
-sits down on Hoshi-
o-o Natty-chan bad no sitting on Ducking-hoshi!
Quack! Squawk! Donald: Hey! Watch your mouth!
^-^ im still a human yay me
Found a use for my big moomoo butt now 8D
Your heavy! Dying! Cant breath! XD
Nattys A moo moo cow ^-^ Hoshi-chan is a ducky ^0^ Itahci ish a llama .__.; And im still me ^-^
Daiichi is the ofrgotten bunneh! Gack! *died*
And Natty get your big cow bum off Ducky-hoshi!
D8 -gets up then sits on yew- 8D
Hoshi-chan you should join Nattys Webby Sight http://naruotaku.proboards74.com/ T-T Im the only one on right now
*comes back to life* HA! I should totally turn you into a fly!
- getting squished by Nattys cow bum- XoX
uwah~ I'll join tommorow. I has to go to bed now sine its like 2:10 over here. Nighty Night peeps!
4:11 for me O.o
12:13 for me
Awesome! This should be called , "You watch my back, i watch yours..."
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