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OROCHIMARU!!??? awesome pic btw
*nods* i like the edit...tis cool
Me: *turns 2 yatta* u owe him?
CRAP!!! I was hoping you don't remember...(gives orochimaru 5 bucks)
Orochimaru:*smaches out of Yatta's hand*THX..*leaves and goes next to Lilly* Lilly:so u ready to die yet.. Rachel:*shakes scardly*n-no.. Lilly:WILL 2 BAD*runs to Rachel* Rachel:MAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: You know, i don't appreciate this very much *turns 2 yatta* what's going on here?
oh umm...I lost a bet...
Me: *raises eyebrow* Seriously?
Orochimaru:true story
Me: okay...akward....g2g to bed *hugs 4 all* bye
NO DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rachel:*gets hit by Lilly again*AHHHH Lilly:u gotten weaker then ever.. Rachel:*spits blood out*
Lilly: any new tricks?
Rachel:*looks shockly at Lilly*no..i left al my wepons..oh no Max has them..oh crap..
Lilly: then i should kill you right now and make Matthew-kun mine
me: shnitzels!
Rachel:*yells* MAT!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!
Lilly: *aims at rachel* he can't help you now YOUR DEAD *then huge gust of wind comes in frount of rachel* Mat: tsk im here oh lilly it's you Rachel: mat what a save
Rachel:... Mat:don't worry u're fine now..Rachel.. Rachel:i know..
me: dude how did he get here? kirsten: he's a ninja. me: oooooohhhh...COOL!!
Rachl:.... Lilly:so what?..once i knock Mat out and u die i'll make Mat mine'
Mat: lilly leave her be Lilly: oh mat i will if she'd leave us be
kirsten:(eating kitkat bar) this is a dramatic scene... me: where did you get that kitkat bar from?
Mat: NEVER I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU! Lilly: as you wish *bring out gun* ok rachel uzumaki say good bye
kirsten: I hope she's not paying attention to us. kibimi:HIYA!!!! (waves at rachel) kirsten:....(looks at kibimi blankly)
Rachel:*trys to get up*...no..it won't be me that will die..
omfg my hair is like that except its shorter. Like up to the waist. Great piccy Kim-channeh!
kirsten:.......... kibimi: (eating and watching the scene with eyes wide open) me: (whispers) you can do it... kabama: gasp who'll die? kabumi: I hope its not everyone.
THXIE KARI-CHAN!!!! Rachel:*gets up holding injury spot* u're the 1 that will die...
kirsten: (silence) kibimi: (jaws drop and drop all the popcorn) OMG! me: shhh I'm trying to hear this. kabama: sweet! a death scene! kabumi: oh noes!
Rachel:mat..*breathes hard*mat give me your knifes... Mat:...alright*throws a knife case at Rachel*
kabama: oh yeah here it comes! me: quiet! kibimi: she's gonna stab her... kabumi: that can't be good... kirsten: (STILL being silent) kibimi: I just relized that I drop the popcorn.
Lilly:come and get me u bitch... Rachel:...*runs to her,throws knifes then dissapears*
Lilly: hm? ok try and get me
Rachel:*appears behind Lilly and throws more knifes at her*
Lilly: *dodges* HA thats all you got?
me: (stares at the scene) kirsten:.....poof.....(eats the twix) kibimi: gimme a piece. kirsten:(gives kibimi a piece) kibimi: thaaaaaaaankkss! (eats twix bar) kabama: (eating curly fries fast) kabumi: stop eating so fast! your stomach will hurt! kabama: make me...(continues eating fast)
Rachel:*puts a expoltion note at 1 of the knifes then throws it at Lilly*
Lilly: *dodges* HA! Letter bomb: *sparks* Lilly: WHAT? ( letter bomb goes boom )
me: uh oh! kabama: (eating faster) kabumi: (takes curly fries away) kabama:HEY GIVE THOSE BACK!!!! kabumi: not until you promise me you stop eating fast. kabama: NO GIMME! kibimi and me: SSSHHH!!! kirsten(calmly watching the scene)
Lilly: AHHHHH! *mad face* your dead!
Rachel:....8does shadow clone jutzu then runs to lilly*
Lilly: *kicks each and every shadow clone*
Rachel:*every shadow clone disappeard then the real Rachel hit Lilly at the face*
kabama: (notices something) my right eye is bleeding...COOL!!! kirsten: kabama are you on something? kibimi: YEP!!! me: kabumi: hurry! call the ambulance!
Lilly: GAH!!! *flys back and land on feet* Mat will be mine!!! Mat: I DONT LIKE YOU GAH!!
Rachel:*notices Kabama,Kirsten, Yatta and Kabumi beening werid*
me: oh crap they notice us! RUN!!! kirsten: what if they chase us? kibimi: (already running away) SEE YA!!! kabama: what the (beep!) are you looking at? kabumi: kabama! hospital! NOW!!!
Rachel:*takes out more knifes*
Lilly: ninja art 1000 pettle dace justu *spins and 100 razor flower pettle hit rachel and shes almost K.O-ed*
me: she's not gonna throw it at us is she? kirsten: highly doubt it. kibimi: (is here) hi! I just went to Taxes! kabama: this is soooo cool! my eye is bleeding! WOOT!! kabumi: are there any hospitals there kibimi? kibimi: I don't know. kirsten:...wow we is so wierd... me: do NOT pay attention to us!
Rachel:*falls down breathing heavy and and to numb to move*
Lilly: one more hit and mat will be mine Mat: RACHEL! *trys to move but can't* huh? Lilly: sorry sweety but i put a justu on you so you can't help her *about to spin again* 200 PETTLES *hits rachel with 200 razor pettles*
Rachel:8yells in pain* AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *bleeds more and almost passes out*
me: (gasp) kabumi: OH NOES!!! kibimi:I would time stop this part but... kabumi: but what? kibimi: I'm saving it for something else. kabama: WOW!!! SOMEONE DIED!!!! kirsten: I don't care...
Rachel:*trys to stay awake and getting up but falls down again*
me: I think its best if you do the time stop now. kibimi:......but I don't even know her... kabumi: you can save some people you don't know yet. kabama: no you can't! they'll stab you in the back! kabumi: KABAMA!!!
Rachel:*closes eyes slowly*
(sorry i had to eat XD) Mat: RACHEL!! Lilly: *steps on rachel* hes mine now
Rachel:*looks blankly at Mat*i..i'm sorry m...mat*closes eyes and passes out*
Lilly: hehehe Mat: *Cries* RACHEL!!! NO!! Lilly: now that you can't move i can do to you want ever i plz Mat: shit...
kibimi:...(close eyes)....(opens light red eyes) TIME STOP!!!(time stops)
Lilly: *time frezzed*
kibimi: yeah time to save the day! WOOT! oh yeah...(ran to the nearest hospital and stole SUPER medical kit and took the needles out of rachels body and heals rachel) well this is her battle...RESUME!!(back to normal)
Rachel:..*wakes up*huh...
kibimi: I'm AWESOME!!! me:(hugs kibimi) yes you are! kabama:you should've let her die...(eye still bleeding) kabumi: you should've healed kabama's eye! but thats okay will do it later. kirsten: hello...
Rachel:*gets up*Mat...are u ok?.
Hi guys
(HIYA SUZU-CHAN) kibimi: (twitches) crap I knew I forgot something... me: can you do it again? kibimi: not until 5 or 6 hours. me: CHEESEMUFFINS!! kabumi: she gave her super medicine...she's gonna be... kabama: gonna be what!? kirsten: oooooo she's gonna kick that other girl's butt.
Rachel:*turns around to Lilly*
kibimi: super... me: duper... kabumi: powerful... kirsten: person... kabama: what kind of medicine did you give her?
Rachel:...lilly u're dead to me..
four k's and me: (watches)
Lilly:...whatever.... Rachel:...
Lilly: ha really? nope im as strong as ever
Rachel:then come and hit me..
kibimi: this medicine will work. I'm sure of it.
Lilly: ok *moves so fast you can't even see her* TAKE THIS! AGH! *punches rachel 30 times*
Rachel:*spits blood out then turns into a log*
Lilly: yawn *spins* 500 pettles *hits where ever rachel was gonna hit her*
me: uhh...is it working? kibimi: DUH! kirsten: indeed.
Lilly: give it up and just hand mat over Mat: rACHEL DONT DO IT!
kirsten: okay...I guess it's not working... me: MCDONALDS!!! kabama: wtf? kibimi: DANG IT!!!!
Rachel:...why?...why do u even love Mat?
Mat: because *bright sorrowful eyes* your my every thing
Mat: LILLY LETME GO! Lilly: sorry sweety no can do
me: (looking at the watch) where's mcdonalds? kibimi: about ten feet away... me: thats not what I mean! I mean the guys who are dress up as mcdonald! kabama: I am kinda hungry... kabumi: first we need to save her! kirsten: how? it's her fight. kabumi: I have an idea but I don't know if it will work.
me: when are you gonna use it? kabumi: just a couple more minutes. let me build up my strengh.
Mat: *closes eyes* no..i will not let you...LILLY!!! AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! *red eyes* *breacks free of the frezze justu* RACHEL!!! THIS IS 4 YOU AGHHH!! *punches lilly 100 times*
Rachel;..*runs away when Mat wasn't looking*
kabumi: well I guess I don't need it. the rest of us: kabama:he's beating the (beep!) out of her...PUNCH HER EYES!!!!
Mat: *looks from left to right* huh? WHA OO; she jet-ed!!!
kirsten: she went that way.(points to where she went)
Rachel:*still running away*this can't be happening..this is just a dream*falls on knees*
Mat: *gone all read runing for rachel* i can feel it...power RUSHING THROUGH ME!!! *speeds up*
Rahel:*hears noise and starts running again*
Lilly: *after rachel with mat far behind* RACHEL YOU DEAD! Mat: *hears lilly* oh not NOT YET!!! GRR!! *black charka*
Rachel:*sees a Lilly clone followling her*i know u're just a clone,now leave me alone*throws knifes at her but the clone won't dissappear*
kirsten: should we run after them? or go to mcdonalds? kibimi: get mcdonalds first then we go after them! me: go after them. kabama: mcdonalds. kabumi: after them then mcdonalds. kirsten:...after them then mcdonalds.
Rachel:*falls down*..STAY WAY FROM ME!!!!!*from expoltions at the clone*
kibimi: come on you slow pokes! kirsten: your the slow poke I'm just being rubber woman. kabumi: actually I'm almost there to them. kabama: SLOW DOWN (beep!) IT!!!!
Lilly: *takes out shot gun* your dead
kirsten: (kinda shocked) I didn't know there was guns in naruto... me: yeah I ve seen one of the episodes or was it one piece... kabumi: I'm pretty sure they do. kibimi: FOCUSE ON THE PROBLEM!!!!
Rachel:*gets up and starts running again*
Lilly: *evil laugh* MUHAHAHA Mat: *jumps over lillys head and runs after rachel. Chaches up to rachel and puts her on his back* lets go now!
Rachel;*jumps off Mat's back then runs away again*
me: GOOD! we can jump on her! kirsten: thats my job... kibimi: STOP TALKING AND DO IT ALREADY!!!!! (kirsten jumps on lilly) kirsten:...hi
Mat: whats wrong with her? she knows im faster then her...*runs* Lilly: MAT-KUN COME BACK Mat: EEEEE!!!
kibimi: did you get her? kirsten: maybe...it could be a log I landed...
Mat: *trys to run but frozed by lilly* Lilly: now i got you were i want you Mat: stay .... stay away you rapeist...Lilly: *jumps on mat* (and you shound now what happens next) Mat: AHHHHHHHH RACHEL PLESE HELP!!!!!!!!! RACHEL AGHHHHH!!
Rachel:*looks back at Mat and sees Lilly on him*...M-m-m-m....LILLY U'RE A DEAD SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!! *runs really fast in anger and pulls Lilly away from Mat*DAMN U ASSHOLE!!!!!
Mat: *sigh of releaf* Lilly: awww you had to mess up my fun i all got to his....n/m but all you can do is run and run nothing else
Rachel:i don't need wepons to prove that i'm a somebody i can use my fists and show u no merecy!!!!*starts hitting Lilly at the stomch*
Lilly: *spits out blood* he, now where geting some when *flips back* 800 pettles
kibimi: YESSSSSS!!!! (napolean dynamite style) me:
Rachel:*does a multi shadow clone jutzu and 2 billion clones appear*
Lilly: *turns too look at all of them* how great i feel like im Mizuki and shes Naruto traped like a rat
Rachel:say what?..hmmm...i got a better idea*makes clone disspear*HEY LILLY DON'T MAKE ME CALL YOUR SISTER AGAIN
kirsten: (napolean dynamite style) its so many I can't even count! GOSH!!! me:
Lilly: OO; sister OH MAN NO NO NO NO PLZ!!! *gets on knees* plz plz no no no!! she'll kick my ass
kabumi: wow...you read my mind... me: huh? you mean that was your plan!? kabumi: yeah I was about to yell "you're sisters calling you!" but I wasn't sure if she had a sibling.
me: (snickers) you gonna get in troubllllllleeeeee....
MiMi: MIMI AT YOUR WIM! what is it Ms.Uzumaki chan? need something water? soda or something Lilly: OO; im dead
(watching and eating popcorn) kirsten: and we're the audience again...
Rachel:u're sister won't leave me and MOSTLY MAT alone..
Mimi: what did she do Lilly: OO; dead yep im dead
Rachel:she wouldn't leave us alone and kept hugging my bf.. Mat:yea
kabama: NO SHE WAS ABOUT TO!- kibimi:don't ruin the surprise...
Mimi: *getting pissed* any thing else Mat: SHE TRYED TO RAPE ME Mimi: THATS IT *starts beating the crap out of Lilly* Lilly: MY LEG AHHH
kabama: I WAS ABOUT TO SAY THAT!!!!!! me: too bad! watch the show.
Rachel:*hugs Mat*i somehow feel sorry 4 Lily..but who cares about what i think
kibimi: did she just bite her ear off? kabumi: your imagning things. kabama your eye is still bleeding you know. me: its like elfin lied but no body parts leaving cool! kabama: does it look like I care? no! so shut up!
Lilly: MY EAR OW OW AHHHH!! Mat: yeah who cares about theat one XD
kibimi: you lied to me kabumi! kabumi: I didn't see it! really kabama your eye! kabama: my eye hurts now... kirsten: this is entertaining...
good story line *-*
thank u
Mat: OO omg she's biting the crap out of her
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