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very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uh yea
Ohhhhhhh Kakashi!
oooh! *pokes*
Look it's a giant Kakashi! ^_^
*Runs up to Kakashi and give him a hug*
*takes kakashi's girl off of kakashi* sorry kakashi but i think you should run away now!!!
Run run run!
I'm fading away...
Why is K R M S fading away?
Kakashi is fading
Yeah, I see what you mean... DON'T LEAVE ME, KAKASHI-KUN!
I LOVE my sasuke's sensei, (runs over and gives him a tight hug, sasuke yells, i leave
wow another physco fan girl on the loose...pssh such crazy people...hm, kakashi looks kinda sad..Are you OK kakashi?
*Hops onto Kakashi-Kun's back..* Yay! Piggy back ride...*hugs him hard*
oO; ::pulls Kakashi's girl off Kakashi's back:: RUN KAKASHI!
YEAH! he can just run rhigt into my open arms. (hugs him without ewen thinking) ^_^
*Kakashi sprints away*
*still holdig*
O.o; RUN kakashi!!!
*is still holding*
LOL Velka you are funny!!!! I am not a fangirl..*slaps AEK'S hands away* Don't touch me please! I don' tlike to be touched by other girls..It makes me feel....slimy?
MESSAGE TO ALL KAKASHI LOVERS!!! I am writing a KakashiXSelf-insert romance story... go here to read: h t t p : / / w w w . a n i m e g a l l e r i e s . n e t / f o r u m / s h o w t h r e a d . p h p ? p = 1 1 3 5 5 0 0 # p o s t 1 1 3 5 5 0 0 (remove spaces). This is chapter one. Once you've read, remember to post and tell me what you think!
^_^ Is velka still holding on to Kakashi?
* Bites Velka's hand and runs away with Kakashi*
^_^ lol Go KG!!
go kick some ass KG!!!
*puts force field around kakashi but he can still go places*.............now noone can get to kakashi.not even me....i will let down the shield if you guys STOP MAULING KAKASHI!!!!!!!
MyHeartIsOpenForYou don't worry I'm kakashi's best student. I won't let him get hurt.
good....but still....i'm not puting it down untill their handcufed
MyHeartIsOpenForYou...You can trust KCD...He is cool. Anyways..: *Grabs Konoha Kate in one hand and Ichigo 101 in another and follows Kakashi to the ice cream shop* Kakashi: Ice cream girls?? My treat. <3
*still has force feild around him*
you bit my hand!!! why?! what have I don to you Kakashi's girl?! ToT
awwnnn its ok *hugs her*...and have anyone else notice that kakashi is like a ghost in this pic?
Awww...*bandages velka's hand then take a bite again*
oh how nice of you...-_-
Heehee hee...*smiles smuggly*
those are poisonos bandages riiiiiiiiight?
i wouldn't know
noooooooobody does!........and that's the point!! Mehehehehehehe!
you bit my hand again Kakashi's girl!!!!!!! you stupid bit...?! poison!!? WAAAAAAAA!!!!! *runs around like a chibi-figur* take it away! TAKE IT AWAY!! I DON'T WANA DIE!!!! *is not thinkig to take it away by myself*
Okay, okay stop!! It's just speckulation!! *holds velka down with chains because nothing else would work on her, takes off bandages* There Better?! *gives her chocolate* if not this always makes me feel better! And hyper, that too.
Mmmm~ chocolate. *starting to eting it* I love chocolate.
Me too!! It's my life source ^-^ I ♥ CHOCOLATE!!!!
I also love to drink coca coal. and chocolate. ^_^
wha' is coco coal?
sorry... my speling isent the best... I ment coca cola. bad of me...
'Dat okay! I make Spelling mistakes alot! (I mean it when i say this)
Wow....I missed being here...been gone for awhile....a LOT has changed here..so many new ppl here...OO; Gawd..I'm an old hag.
i'm sure your not a hag
I make alot of Spelling mistakes becous I am from sweden. but I can spek werey god english. ^_^
It's not poison!!!! -_-' *hands k_p a chocolate milk shake. YOU ARE NOT AN OLD HAG!
i agree and second that^^
XDD Aw, thanks guys. ^^
np^^ anything for you guys
YAYYY! YOU SECONDED THE POST! does that mean i get two choclate milk shackes? *drools*
sure *smiles and gives her tow milk shakes*
++Showers gallery with sugar.++ o.\\ There happy?
srry i ment two...not tow hehe^^
There's thing called the "edit" button hun. >.>;
i love him he makes my haert stop
Another "dead" fangirl.. Medics!!!
Not worry 'bout it! Her 'haert' just stopped..um...What ever that is, well i'm sure it's not THAT seriously. *meanwhile animelover is lyeing on the ground twitching and foaming at the mouth*
Nope...not enough candy...oh and congrates animelover5000 you aren't the only who love him you know . I dream about him day and night and he is always on my mind..No I'm not a physco, I just love him a lot..He is real.....
you are crazy. he is not real.
YESH, HE IS REAL!! TTOTT well, to me at least -__-;;...and who are you to tell us what's real and what's not, huh?
ok. I take it back... but I do not belliv it...
Fweeeeeeeeeeeee! Thanky! ^__^
... YEAH!!! *bites velka* Weeeeee.......we won again..*hugs K_P to death*
DON'T BITE ME!!!! (try to strangel her.) ..... he is not real......
Wha O__O?? What just happened?? Why are people hugging me and Biting Velka-san??.....Oh yeah neva mind ummm =^__^= KAKASHI ROCKS!!
That little tiny specky speck is the idoit Naruto Uzumaki! GEEZ poeples!
no need to be so rude kakashi senei RULES
i think Kakashi is real *nods and crosses arms* i always will too
Why is he fading?! No, Kakashi, don't go!!!
DUDE THAT SPECK IS KAKASHI CAN'T YOU FLIPPN' SEE MORON???!!!!! ahem anyway kakashi: fii fie fo!!!
*lets kakashi out of the fource feild* i forgot to do that a LONG time ago^^"
Yeah, with all those confusing arguments, a person can sometimes forget important things:P
kakashis not really
No matter if real or not: Kakashi looks soooo cute here!
kakashi: damn it i should have known when that soap said that it make dirty go away......
i like sasuke, but you guys are making me like kakashi more
can i ask a question? is kakashi lazy? im just asking becaus he always have a bored look on his face
not all the time but he can be lazy
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