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Home > Naruto > Hatake Kakashi

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naruto_kakashi0018.jpg  naruto_kakashi0019.jpg  naruto_kakashi0020.jpg  naruto_kakashi0021.jpg  naruto_kakashi0022.jpg 
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Album name:Hatake Kakashi
Rating (83 votes):
File Size:61 KB
Dimensions:640 x 480 pixels
Displayed:107194 times
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Kissed_by_Kakashi [Oct 25, 2005 at 01:50 AM]
It's so cool that u can twirl it like that and not get cut or anything...
Kakashi_rocks_my_socks [Oct 30, 2005 at 04:50 PM]
What if it cut his hair? Neutral
Kissed_by_Kakashi [Nov 01, 2005 at 05:31 AM]
That'd make him mad... I wouldn't care though... he'd still be the sexiest thing in the universe!
Kakashi'sthoughts [Nov 03, 2005 at 09:48 PM]
Eh it'll grow back Rolling Eyes
Kissed_by_Kakashi [Nov 03, 2005 at 10:15 PM]
Kakashi_rocks_my_socks [Nov 05, 2005 at 02:40 PM]
Kissed_by_Kakashi [Nov 05, 2005 at 09:31 PM]
I wonder... is that you're natural hairstyle Kakashi? I know you had it when you where a Genin too, so I was just wondering...
Sachi [Nov 09, 2005 at 06:24 PM]
just wondering but...does anyone actually like him for his personality and not just his looks?!? Shocked
DemonAlchemist [Nov 11, 2005 at 12:13 PM]
I think he's the sexiest thing mostly because of his personality Wink I like his looks and his kick ass fighting style too, though Cool
Kakashi_rocks_my_socks [Nov 11, 2005 at 01:31 PM]
i like his personality
Kakashi's girl [Nov 12, 2005 at 05:44 PM]!! I love the way he twirls that thing.
I Love Kakashi [Nov 13, 2005 at 01:22 AM]
So do I Embarassed
ryuken13 [Nov 13, 2005 at 02:11 AM]
woohoo! someone's on the tank! i mean... on the arrow head... Smile guess all i can say is: he's hot... SEXY HOT! Cool
Kakashi's girl [Nov 13, 2005 at 02:49 PM]
*glomps him*
Angel_Eyes_Kakashi [Nov 14, 2005 at 08:51 PM]
what's the glomp thing all about?? Confused
ryuken13 [Nov 27, 2005 at 05:01 AM]
Well... You're right! Though he kinda looks creepy when he blows up... Exclamation Nah! Nevermind! Rolling Eyes
Kissed_by_Kakashi [Nov 27, 2005 at 07:34 PM]
Blah! I love Shikamaru.
4ever kakashi's [Nov 28, 2005 at 12:49 AM]
Nah, i love kakashi.Anywayz kakashi's personality is what makes him sexy and his personality is what makes most of us like him,his looks still is one of the reasons we LOVE him Razz
ryuken13 [Dec 04, 2005 at 11:37 PM]
Ok... Can we go back to his personality? Coz he's all nice and the way, he would like to tell you guys that he's flattered with all the remarkz.. Cool and he would also like to say thank you!
Kissed_by_Kakashi [Dec 05, 2005 at 12:26 AM]
WTH? Okay... I think I'll go back to the Shikamaru pics... but tell Kakashi he's welcome!
KakashiEternal [Dec 31, 2005 at 12:26 AM]
I love his personality! Its totally, "I dont care and I'll beat your ass while Im at it". I want a guy like that! Oh, well. There's a Kakashi out there for all of us...
Kakashi's girl [Jan 07, 2006 at 02:55 PM]
Hana_chan2230 [Jan 15, 2006 at 11:52 PM]
*pout* i was so close. hmm. well, ill try again! naruto, help me out.
KakashiEternal [Jan 18, 2006 at 06:23 PM]
I just noticed this- you can see a bit of Sasuke's hair. Now I can't stop looking at it, and his hair is CONVENIENTLY near a dirty spot. Must.Not.Think.Dirty.Thoughts.
Angel_Eyes_Kakashi [Jan 21, 2006 at 01:43 PM]
O.o; I honestly don't see sasukes hair anywhere..and eww why the heck would you think that.. Rolling Eyes
Kakashi's girl [Jan 25, 2006 at 07:48 PM]
Gee....I thougth you were still with Boom boom..Good to have you back..Again.. OHMIGOD...I SEE SASUKE'S HAIR!! IT RIGHT OVER KAKASHI'S.*makes a motion*...*faints and thinks dirty thoughts* Oh god..oh god..not again..
velka [Jan 27, 2006 at 02:55 PM]
... what *looking at the picter again* oo! I can se sasukes hair stiking up from the bottom of the picter... OMG!! Shocked WAAAAAAA! Kakashi's girl !!what did you writ it down!!? what should I do!? whar should I do!? * se the nerest wall* BAM! BAM! BAM! Ouch... that hurt... my head... dirty thoughts... *faints*
Kakashi's Sharigan [Jan 28, 2006 at 01:28 PM]
Sachi I like him for his personality and his looks... Laughing Very Happy Exclamation Exclamation
Kakashi's girl [Feb 27, 2006 at 08:09 PM]
*stares at Kakashi's ...uh well you know* OHMIGOD....I want a close up!!! Not to mention that I want him NAKED...oops...O_o Dirty thoughts.........ARGH...MY THOUGHTS ARE DIRTY.......Kakashi: Want me to clean them for you??? NOOOOO I like those dirty thoughts, expecially when they are about you. Well, only if they are about you......Oooooooo dirty thoughts. Very Happy
Ichigo101 [Mar 02, 2006 at 09:31 PM]
Shocked i no he's hot and stuff, but i think you need to chill just a bit. i mean ur overdoing it. i guess Question Neutral
Kissed_by_Kakashi [Mar 02, 2006 at 11:52 PM]
Heh. Yes they are. Although, KG is kinda perverted... leave her be. She's cool that way.
Ichigo101 [Mar 02, 2006 at 11:56 PM]
true i should leave her alone :walks away quietly:
Kakashi's girl [Mar 13, 2006 at 02:16 PM]
Lol... KBK is right...I'm kinda perverted...yeah only with Kakashi... KBK do you mind dumping a bucket of icy cold water on me?
MyHeartIsOpenForYou [Mar 15, 2006 at 11:41 PM]
*dumps bucket of water on her*..i'll do it hehehehe
velka [Apr 07, 2006 at 03:23 PM]
Dont' catch a cold.
Angel_Eyes_Kakashi [Apr 11, 2006 at 01:39 PM]
*Achoo!* +sniffles+ I have one..TT.TT
MyHeartIsOpenForYou [Apr 17, 2006 at 01:46 PM]
oh dear *drys her off* haha srry
Konoha's_Phoenix [Apr 30, 2006 at 09:40 AM]
*gives her Chicken soup* Hope you are not a vegitarian! ^____^;
I_LOVE_U_KAKASHI [Jun 09, 2006 at 04:37 PM]
Clarad001 [Jun 13, 2006 at 01:09 AM]
I_LOVE_U_KAKASHI [Jun 13, 2006 at 10:39 AM]
he wont! he's too smart to kill one of his fangirls Very Happy besides he's trying to win a bet against Saske: who can get the most fangirls Wink
Clarad001 [Jun 13, 2006 at 12:31 PM]
LOL.......... I think Kakashi has more fangirls . Look at all the girls who have a kakashi name or related name to their user id name ^_^
Kakashi's girl [Jun 19, 2006 at 02:54 PM]
...Ew no way.... Sasuke is gonna lose..I'm not his fan girl...
Sakah [Jun 21, 2006 at 11:42 AM]
GWA!!!! Sasuke!
EveraLee...lostinthought [Jul 06, 2006 at 02:39 AM]
neither am i!!!!! Sasuke is a heartless jerk!!!!!! I dont know how someone could "like" him?! Confused
xena [Jul 22, 2006 at 01:05 PM]
ppl only like sasuke cause he looks good. *shakes head* he's not all that great. and if u want a love test for naruto, go to my match was kakashi
aznpupchow [Oct 03, 2006 at 09:05 AM]
ooh same i got kakashi. ^.^ for my match of course. kakashi...i loved his personality first and then his looks. he's got the whole package lol!
hayate4 [Jul 14, 2007 at 03:33 PM]
Sasuke is not MY guy! Itachi is CREEPY! Lee is AWESOME! Kakashi's HOTT! Gai's cool in a way! Shikamaru and Shino Rock too! And Genma and Hayate...uhoh! *In Kakashi's trance again* Oohhhh! If I'm still sane and able to break away from his will be a miracle!!.... Rolling Eyes
m-girl [Jan 14, 2008 at 07:01 PM]
CREEPY Mad itachi is not creepy Confused lee is the one that's the creep Confused
i_heart_anime [Jan 14, 2008 at 10:25 PM]
itachi IS creepy! and wierd at the same time! Surprised
SushiChan [Mar 19, 2011 at 01:31 AM]
Thanks for sharing this picture
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