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I know that you want to get up and kiss me Kakashi, but you have to rest! I know, it's depressing isn't it? Trust me, I want to aswell, but recovery comes first, ok?
I know, I AM a bit of a weirdo, but only 'cause I love you so much! I'd do anything for you! You are MY precious person!
kakashi is to hot for words!!!!!!!!! "totally spechless"
Yep... that's right! Too hot for his own good, I'd say... although, that IS good, if you know what I mean.
He is waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too hot for words...he looks sad.. *Gives him a kiss and hugs him too*
i agree with KBK ....kakashi is kinda "too" hot for his own good just look at all the physco girls chasing him *sigh*....anyways u really down kakashi what's wrong???
Kakashi: aww man... now I have to get crutches!
poor guy gives him a kiss 2 i hope that makes u feel good
Crutches... I hate them... they really suck. I had to get them when I twisted my ankle real bad at gym... my ankle put on loads of bone growth so now it's a different shape to the other one...
I never had crutches...*sigh* Poor Kakashi...*kisses kakashi on the lips passionatly*
-huggles kakashi-- i'll help you kakashi....
*is kissed back* Mmm...I'll get him a glass of water. Alycursed you can back the cookies and KBK keep Kakashi company.
I help him the most in desperate situations. Cause i am HIS SHARINGAN. I AM THE MOST IMPORTANT TO HIM SO THERE!!!!!!
guess what guys? i got a sweatshirt with kakashi on it! what do ya say to that?
Stupid KS...well..I've got his love.
i just apologized to u! and u called me stupid!? that's not very nice, KG. but, i am not lying... i really do have a sweatshirt with kakashi on it, u would too! that's how much i like him....
I love him more.
kakashi is the coolest character ever!!!!!!
MESSAGE TO ALL KAKASHI LOVERS!!! I am writing a KakashiXSelf-insert romance story... go here to read: h t t p : / / w w w . a n i m e g a l l e r i e s . n e t / f o r u m / s h o w t h r e a d . p h p ? p = 1 1 3 5 5 0 0 # p o s t 1 1 3 5 5 0 0 (remove spaces). This is chapter one. Once you've read, remember to post and tell me what you think!
we all love kakashi KBK< just calm down, there is enough kakashi for all of us!*runs over to kakashi and hugs him*
He is the best ever
yes, he is Kakashi's Sharingan, you want to join us in this kakashi hug? there's room... Kakashi: come over here Kakashi's Sharingan, there is definitely room.. *makes room so kakashi's sahringan can hug him too*
Kakashi GO TO SLEEP!!!! you need it!!!
lol KS..I didn't mean it in a mean way...more like a friendly joking way... But I'll apologize if I hurt you in anyway... NO THERE ISN'T!!!! There isn't enough Kakashi to go around...Only me AEK...and KBK.
well make room,'cuz i wanna hug him too!!!!!!!!!NOW!!!!!!!!!
No...sorry Rinokima.. *squeezes Kakashi in a tight hug*
Evaralee...lostinthought don't he's just stressed b/c he's thinkin of a way 2 seperate me 4rm gaara lol *huggles Gaara* i would never leave u babe even though kakashi is and HOT
me: what'sa matter kakashi? kakashi: nothin' just thinkin' abut Obito ( the guy who gave him his sharingan) me: oh I'm sorry for intruding kakashi : It's okay really I try not to think about him because it makes me sad! me: oh
what are you glaring at, kakashi
He's so sexy and so is Asuma!!!!!!!!!! two of the most hottest characters in naruto!!!!!!!!
Itachi is having trouble breathing because this picture makes him so hot!
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