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What does Sasuke want?
Sasuke wants a hug from Kakashi!
*phoney country western accent* draw you varmin
As if! I doubt Sasuke would want that (although I'm sure some people do...  )
I don't know who would win the draw... maybe it would be Sasuke
Ha ha ha... I DOUBT!!! You gotta' remember that Kakashi is a Jounin level ninja...
yeah...and kakashi totally beat sasuke while he was reading one of his books
Some body is jelous for kakashi's handsome looks....xD
Sasuke is a little loser who needs to get a grip. I hate him.
jeah he's most of the time so full of him self.. but to the anwser to the question: what does Sasuke want... Kakashi is training sasuke and teaching him his only jutsu that he didnt copy.. Chidori or lightning edge we have already see him do that jutsu two times
Lol KBK!! Thats funny. What happened to Gaara's eye?
gaara's eye was a flashback... well this too but... its in another situation i think...
Kakashi would waste him. I like Sasuke too but still Kakashi is WAY stronger and better looking
Sasuke has a WIDEEE forehead, somewhere close to that of Sakura. But you need to see him without foreheadprotector
 Me:What ,What oh i was day dreaming about Kakashi -kun again. Hooo boy i got to stop that
YOU MORONS! SASUKE JUST WHANT'S TO LEARN LIGHTNING EDGE FROM KAKASHI!!!!!!!!!!! be side's sasuke can beat him he got up befor kakashi dident he?
.. Uh..no Sasuke cannot beat Kakashi but he could cuz he cheated..and he is a loser..and he sucks and he doesn't even deserve to look at my feet and Sasuke is a stupid, mean, ugly, butt, warty, person who doesn't deserve to live.
yay, a leg shot of sasuke. woopdie flippin doo... WASTE HIM KAKASHI! WASTE HIM!!! THAT STUPID RETARD DOESNT DESERVE TO WIN!!!!! *smiles sweetly* whoops, let my anger slip. sorry
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