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Hmm.. where do I sit?
hey is this a basketball game kakashi sensai????????????
I don't know
Maybe we're at the movies? Who knows? I mean, we just walked all the way here without knowing where we where going . I think over here is a good spot Kakashi.
He looks kinda startled....*Throws popcorn around*
Ok now KG, it's awlwright, give KBKee the popcown... that's a goowd giwl. *pats her on the head* Now, ehem, lets sit down, Kakashi-kun.
O.o' *obeys and give KBKee the popcown. Sits down with Kakashi-sama and KBK*
grrrrrrrrrr! dont u people know anything? this is the 3erd part of the chunin exam!
Kakashi: Im sori wwaaaaa....?
heheheeh....BAKA...you better watch the episodes if you gonna understand anything
y call me an idiot....and try english!
shitsurei desu ga-Buffy wolf... Ulusayo...anata wa baka desu ne!!!Jia nai no!!!...soo desu ne anime133!!!
can u speak in english please
yeah notice i sed....AND TRY ENGLISH!! READ IT!!!! E N G L I S H!
I think she is saying something bad about you anni ..... I think
thats wat im thinkin
uh oh thats not good....
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