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why has he got is wepon out and his back to me?
cause he is going to kill u
Ok, where's the bathroom again?
Down those stairs and to the left.... what you gonna' do with that weapon, Kakashi?
Maybe I should go with you, ya know to watch your back...(thinking: and everything else)
Or maybe not... I think he can go to the toilet by himself. What ya' gonna do, follow him into the mens room?
Turn around!
Why do you need a weapon Kakashi?
Ew....do you want to see him go do his stuff??? That is just.....not fair........
Not fair?! God, I'd rather NOT see it!
K_B_K- To dig for gold, and I don't mean in my nose either
Eeeeeeeeeee... you are gross Kakashi. I had never even HEARD that phrase b4.
Lmao Kakashi! Wow, I didn't think there was an English verson of this phrase... o_O
Hey, I'm English and I'd still never heard it (well, I was born in England, but I'm an aussie really)!
to kakashi's thoughts- is that a kunine-nine kinfe? i hope ur not gonna scare sakura with it! if u are, i will protect u sakura! we have to stick together as a team!
Lol... Um...KS?? You are scaring me.
jeah, you realy are THE person to say that KS...
ya.......thinks: who likes Sakura?!
lol.. We have to stick together as a team?? Sakura is weak.. I don't really like her.. Too whinny and Sasuke lover..
i got your back my sexy kakashi!
he is look like his father
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