yush 8D
cool X3
thank juu ^^
ish hot *drools* I LOVE HOW YOU DO THIS!! makes me wanna try it
lol XD
tis true lolz! this is ze Tanso or the Ino tutorial? WELL IDC I'LL WATCH EM BOTH!!
the Ino one ^^
ONTO YT!!! that Tanso one is how you do your regular edits right?
um O.o the cleanest ines are on paint and the other ones are the tanso ones ^^^ (if that makes sense ^^)
eck, ran out of room O.o...yay, new account ^^
he looks sexy!
thank you ^^
ur welcome!(gai stance)...and don't tell him I said that...
Nice! Cool eyes! ^^
Akako: said what? ME: nuffen ^^"
She didnt say a thing! -whispers- and yatta he IS sexy! X3
Hoshi: He might be sexier than Katsu! XD Me: O.o not so sure....>.<
No Katsus WAAAAAAAY saxier! X3333
(aloud) YAY SOMEBODY ARGEES!!!!  (whispers)oh crap...
lol XD
NOBODY heard that!
I did! X3
Me: MEH TEW :3 Akako: =________=
Whats wrong with you Akako?
did everybody heard me!?
wow...I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut. kirsten: (sarcasm) really now?
Akako: *the only one who doesn't know XD*
Yep! XD Emiko: -smiles reeeeally big- Me: Emiko...you gotta stay off sugar for a while... Emiko: NEEEEVER!!!
Hoshi: *is attracted to red heads XD* me: Uh oh....GLOMP TIME. RUN AKAKO! RUN!
Me: Oh crap! RUN AKAKO!!!! Emiko: Red-heads are HAWT!
Akako: O.o *runs*
sugars are our friends...let emiko have some sugar... kirsten: (talking to Akako) what happen was that yatta called you- me: SHUT UP KIRSTEN!!!!
Emiko: -runs after Akako- Me: HEY GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!!! -runs after her-
Hoshi: Akano-kuuuuuuuuun! =w= I want you! To be my new big brother! X3
Me: -looks back at Hoshi- Wtf? X3 Emiko: Red heads red heads gotta love the red heads!!! X33333 -runs faster-
kirsten: this chase reminds me the time when we're born...being chase by robots... kibimi: what? kirsten: you don't remember... kibimi: (pouting)
Hoshi: Yay! X3 *runs faster and jumps on Emiko*
Akako: O.o
Emiko: AH! HEY!??? Me: -runs faster than both of them, grabs Akako- YOU BETTER MOVE YOUR ASS!!!! -runs faster pulling him behind me- Emiko: NOOOO! BRING HIM BACK!!!! -runs reeeeally fast-
Akako: *being pulled* O.o;.......
Do you ever talk...HOLY SHIT!!! Emiko: had dived for Akako's feet- Me: -lifts Akako up in the air and Emiko and Hoshi slides past us- Hehe! XDDD
kirsten: (watching and eating popcorn) I never was interested in red heads anyway... kibimi:  he is pretty sexy (giggles)
Akako: not when I'm being pulled and chased -x-
Actually....you're in the air! XDDD -holding him above my head- Emiko: MIIIIIIIIIINE!!! Me: uh oh! -runs with Akako still above my head-
Akako: *starting to feel sick* I think I'd rather get caught by them =x=
kibimi: I want him sssooooooo bad! kirsten:then why don't you go in to the battle... kibimi: okay! (grabs emiko's legs)
Emiko: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PPPPPPPP!!!! Me: Fine then... -drops him and he lands on his back- Emiko: -breaks free from all the people on her and jumps on Akako- Me: Now...Gaara's gonna kill you! ^u^
Akako: *flattened XD* um hi? O.o
Emiko: Hiiiiii! ^//////^ Me: Akako you know you're gonna get killed right?
Hoshi: *runs over* You ok Nii-san? OwO Need help?
kibimi: GET OFF HIM!!!! kirsten: fangirl...
Me: Gaara's in love with Emiko and very protective of her and if he sees this...-puts a "box" around Akako and Emiko with my fingers- He'll come and kick your ass... Gaara: -in distance- i wanna see Emiko... Me: Oh shit.....
Akako: pft <<; and I'm not your Nii-san O.e
kirsten: hi Gaara... kibimi: HI ITS ME KIBIMI!!!! HEY OVER HERE!!!!!
Hoshi: *shocked and goes emo XD* But...I want you to be my Nii-san.....My reals ones hate meh.....
Gaara: -smiles funny at Kibimi- Uh...Hi...-sees Akako and Emiko- HOLY -beep- -beep- WHAT THE HELL?!!!!!!!!?????? Me: I-its not what you think it is!!! Emiko: -snuggles Akako- Me: EMIKO!!!!
Akako: >//////<
kibimi:YAY!!! HE SAID HI!!!! kirsten:...you seriously need to lay off those big chocolate chunked cookies...
Gaara: Are you like in love with me or something? (Is she? XDDD) Me: -sighs- Emiko: -still snuggling Akako-
Akako: >/////////<
(yes she does XD she likes most f the boys in naruto!) kibimi:(fangirl scream) I LOVE YOOOOOUUUU!!!!
Emiko: Akako blushes when I snuggle him YAY!!! Gaara: Oo;;;; Bye! -backing away slowly- Me: Ummm....Ok that was weird.... Emiko: -kisses Akako's cheek- Me: -staring in disbelief-
Hoshi: Uwah~ *emos*
Akako: O///////O wut? O.o *shot* Oue
Me: She'll be back to normal in three...two...one... Emiko: -comes back to senses, sugar has gone- OMFG WHO THE HELL ARE YOU???????? -jumps off and lands in Gaaras' arms- Heeeey! Gaara: O/////////////O H-Hey...! Me: Told ya! -helps Akako up-
kibimi: COME BACK!!!! (pouting)
Hoshi: O.o What just happened?
Akako: *disturbed* thanks ^^
Me: Emiko does that when shes had too much sugar. She probably thought you were Gaara since you have red hair, Akako! Your welcome! ^-^
kirsten: (looks around) okay she's not magically there...yatta said your sexy...
Hoshi: Oh! ^^ *throws her shoes at Akano* Nii-san! YOUR MEAN! DX
Hows Akako mean? X?X
kirsten: dang...did you have to throw a shoe at him? me: (comes back with McDonalds hamburgers and fries enough for everyone) WHO WANTS MCDONALDS!!!
Me: I DOOOOOOO!!! Emiko: Ive got mine right here!! X3 Gaara: Ummm.... Emiko: You look like Ronald McDonald...! X33333
Akako: *hit in the face with a shoe XD*
me: okey dokey!(gives yachiru hamburgers and fries) kirsten: I wonder if he heard me...
Hoshi: *grabs a burger and emos again XD*
Akako: *shoe mark on face* yes..I heard that =x=
YES!!!! Omg Akako....you have something on your face -giggles-
me:(eating her own hamburger and fries) did you say something to him kirsten? kirsten: no...
Hoshi *laughing at Akano's face XD*
-motions that Kirsten did, hides behind Akako to prevent from getting hurt BY Kirsten-
Akako: yes I no <<;
kirsten: (looks at yachiru) are you hiding from me?
-laughs at Akako and comes out from behind him- No...why would I? -looks .00000001% nervous X3-
kirsten: I don't know you were just hiding behind him thinking I might bite or something...
Akako: *twitch*
Hoshi: O.o
Me: ^-^ Well I wasnt! (I was but what Kirsten dont know...^^) Why did you twitch?
Akako: dunno XD
kirsten:......okay then......(eating the fries calmly)
-laughs- You're funny! ^-^
Hoshi: *eating burger* OwO Yummy!
(I uploaded a picture! see it if ya feel like it!)
Akako: *eating something that looks disgusting O.o*
-staring at the thing Akako is eating- Oo;
Akako: *swallows it whole*...what?
Akako: fine *eats another one*
-turns back, looks at the thing, totally freaks out- OO;;;;; Omg....omg...omg...omg...
Akako: *it looks kinda like a strange fish* What O.O;
OO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Omg..omg..omg..omg..omg..OMG! -freaks out so much I faint XD-
Akako: =______=;
XD can u comment on my pics?
-wakes up- huh....? What happened...? -sees thing and just stares at it-
(ok ^^) Akako: *realises what she 's staring at*
(Sure!) -still staring- Omg...
XD I meant bex uri chan
(I. D. C.!!!!!!!!!!!)
Xd srry if i offended u
(You didnt! ^-^)
( http://www. quibblo. com /quiz /1dmxTZt / Which -One -Of -My -Rpcs -Are -You)
Coooooool picture
(lol im Kyoujin ^^)
(Im Mikoto)
(i gots Chihiro, I'll make a better one soon ^^)
DUDE! I'm Suiso!
lol...there's only seven results O.e
maybe because I'm not a member of the site.
Maybe, but I thought someone would've doubled up XD
It wont let me take it again! TT3TT I wanna take it again! ITS FUUUUUN! XDDDDDDDDDDD
lol XD
(XD) -still staring at "The Thing"- OO;
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