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Wow, I noticed that ever since I put up this picture, no one's commented on any of my stuff. Ouch....
Diiiiissss XDDD
Yeah, maybe that's what I get for speaking my mind.
-___-;; <huggles Haseo> i dislike Sasuke. And NUE! No limps out of place! DX
Okay, but I didn't necessarily mean you....
Oh ok. ^^;; Trueful, i could care less about how Haseo looks. And i hate it when thats all people like him for, it gets on meh nerves.
I don't dis like saske i love sasuke *hugs sasuke*
Shadow-I totally agree. *nods* Angel-Okay, tell me why you like Sasuke.
becase he's like me
You like someone because they act like you....? That's kind of narcissistic....
well not really....thats the last thing i like him for....
....? Explain. I'm still trying to understand why people like him. He betrayed his friends and has a lust for power. Not much in the personality department, is there?
I dont care about Haseo looks either. His attitude gets annoying though! XD And Sasuke....hate him. I agree with Haru Hikima on that.
 . . . well...uh my rpc met sasuke when she was 7 and she was 8 when she moved to the leaf village. he became her first friend. he kinda hit her with chidori when he was about to leave the village....he put her in acoma so pretty much nothing really in the personaliy department
I didnt mean your version Chrissi! I ment in the show...hes annoying =______________=;;;
I sees....You like a guy who tried to 'kill' you? Oh well, whatever floats your boat. I'm not you, so I guess I wouldn't really understand. Just make sure you take the house in the divorce. XD
OO *fates*
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