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HE'S HOT!!! omg i love his hair!! *plays with Takahane's hair*
Takahane: D: get off
me: (goofy smile) hi!
Takahane: fine, I will D<
i know you will D:
me: OO;(whisles) (can't spell!XD)
Takahane: eh?
lol. your so mean! D:
Takahane: i no ^^
XD He hawt *u*
me:(whistling happy tunes) ^^
*throws grape at Takahane*
Takahane: that sucks D:
lol *throws another grape at Takahane*
lol i uploaed a pic of Suzuka's bro
*watching XD*
XD he's cute..../but I have Tezuka
I has no one xD;;;
kari, you'll find someone
I doubt it >.> But I'm still young :'D
I'm old enough but I don't want one.
xD;;; Idk if i want one yet .__.
maybe or maybe not. I made up my mind! I'm staying single! YAAAAAA!!!
xDDDD;;;;; lmao
Takahane: lol XD *hit by grape* D<
SINGLE!!! FOREVER!!!!!(evil laughter) but then I'll feel lonely.(pouts)
Me: nue, I gots to go D: Takahane: =____=;
lmao xD;;; NUE BEX!!! *clings*
awesome 8D
thanks and why are so many of my friends clingy XD
cuz we luv ya XD
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