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Damn Naruto... *whispers* but good job on getting him down there.
Someone get Shikamaru a ladder
Naruto: FLY me student!! FLY!! Fly towards your destiny and remember your teacher, me, the great Naruto Uzumaki!! Belive it!! xD Now FLY!!
I laughed like crazy when Naruto pushed Shikamaru off the balcony...XD Shikamaru's expression is priceless!
I know and the rest of the ep. is so funny too
ha ha ha ha loooool!!!!! cant breath .....
ROTFLOL! XD Episode's best scene!
If that happened in real life.....you know with Shikamaru landing the way he did there'd be a 90% chance of him dieing....or being paralized! So Naruto is not such a good friend after all!
lmao XD thats was so funny
Poor Shika....*shika dies* Oh well. Maybe next time. Its ok i don't understand what i just said either...
its funny how shino doen't seem to notice.
People stop looking at Naruto and Shikamaru for a while, and take a look at Shino. He doesn't care... Or seem to notice
Just love those faces!
ohhhh sad!! poor poor shikamaru!!
Wow....I never knew Shikamaru had expressions.....
Naruto kind of reminds me of Gai in this pic
hahahahaha shikamaru is just pissed at Naruto after that!
Frankly, I'm surprised Shikamaru didn't smack Naruto after that. Must've been too troublesome.
LOL Shikamaru's face
i dont think shikamaru is very happy..
When I see that picture, for some strange reason, it reminds me of the video where a baby bird has to fly out of his mother's nest! And she's saying, "Get the hell out of here!" lol! Just kidding!
ill catch you Shika-kun!!!!
Naruto believes Shikamaru can fly, he believes he can touch the--- XDD
Naruto's expression is so funny. It reminds me of Guy's a little when he's delivering one of his power of youth speeches. Naruto must be giving Shikamaru one
LOLZ They have a nice body position there (except for Shino-kins thought) BUT I STILL LUV HIM! XD
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