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*sniff* sad yet cool
* thanks * Yousuke: what ever happens , what ever we go through never let go Howl: OH YOUR GONNA LET GO ALRIGHT!! TO YOUR LIFE AND YOU LOVE *sticks a sword right thro Yousuke * Yousuke: *blood coming out of his mouth* d-daianna....n-never let...go...
Daianna:*crying*....i wouldn't let go...
Youske: *dieing* mabe.....mabe...this time.... howls right... but...if h-he wanted my wanted my power so...so much he wouldd have ketp me...a...alive *grip losses and he falls in daianna's arms*
Daianna:NOOOO...NO YOUSUKE!!...*crying harder*...no he's not right,he's nothing but a fool,in our eyes...mostly mine...Howl...doesn't know anything about your true power,the power of love..*gets up*ss-something that he will never will...*red chakira goes everywhere*...
Yousuke: *laying on the ground* d-daianna t-this time...i swear...i'll get my....i'll show him my raft ....that is...if i could ...move..
Daianna:NO...i'm done watching u fight...it's my turn...i keep saying that i'll do something about this,but i never do,and thanks 2 that,u're blind...and hlaf dead...*grows fangs and fox teeth*
Yousuke: *thinking* of course...she has the nine tailed pup....just relax yousuke *eyes close* you...need it
Daianna:*eyes turned red*...u'll pay*attacks Howl*
chelsea: h-howl... what r u doing
Yousuke: *talking with his eyes closed* killing meand daianna this guy is a monster never love this basterd he dose'nt know that love is. he has one kid already i know her....her name is Wind
Daiannna:*scarthes Howl*...
Howl: AGH! *slides back* how do you know her?! Yousuke: i met her at the mall before i went blind *flash back* Teenage girl: hey cutie whats the matter? Yousuke: im fine it's nothing Teenage girl: if you need someone to talk to im her *gives him a peace of paper* call me *end of flash back* Yousuke: and she's nothing like you
Daianna:....*punches Howl 100 times*
Howl: *falls back in acoma* Yousuke: is it over?...
Daianna:....*passes out*
Yousuke: d-daianna *gets up and craws over to her* <about the try to heal her but someone grabs his arm* Nick: oh no you don't *punches him in the stomich* Yousuke: *spits out blood*....i-i knew it...i...i was never any help....im sorry daianna *passes out* Nick: *drops him next to daianna.* to make this fun *kicks daianna*
Daianna:*scarming in pain*..
chelsea: *red chakra flowing around her* tell me what *shreeking* HAPPEND
Daianna:*still yelling in pain*....
chelsea: *runs over to daianna*
Daianna:*stops yelling and eyes are closing slowly*...Chel....chelsea...
chelsea: Ya
Daianna:...*passes out*.... Howl:8covered in blood*...
chelsea: *evil stare at howl* erg ... crap... daianna!!
chelsea: what u gonna say something or not?
Howl:*walks away*
chelsea: *starts to shake daianna* WAKE UP
Daianna:*still koed*
chelsea: crap... *takes out cell and calls 911*
....911:(picks up phone*hello..
Chelsea: my friends has just passed out... (where are we?)
*in an unnone universe XDDD,that or just Howl's hiding place*
(O.O) chelsea: we are at ..... and she got kicked really hard and her friends got stabed i think o.o
(XDDDDD) 911:we'll be right there(hangs up) *3 seconds later*...ok where are they?
( um... the back ally behind howls house? i dont know XD) i wish they would hurry up
(lolz) 911:*behind Chelsea*...hey are u the girl that called us.....10 hours ago...
chelsea: *folds arms* uh Ya
911:jeez...sorry lady*picks up Daianna and Yousuke and puts them in a hospital truck*
chelsea: finaly... can i go with u or do i have to get my mom to drive me?
911:u can go in if u like...
chelsea: k
Daianna:...*tries 2 move next 2 Yousuke*
chelsea: *smiles*
chelsea: hey... u ok?
chelsea: k so how u feeling
chelsea: what?
chelsea: whats up... why are u just staring at me..
Daianna:i'm not i;'m staring at Yousuke..
chelsea: well... *forgets everything that just happend* O.O ok i know i forgot something....
chelsea: why am i here, why are u here, why do i always foget this stuff ?
Yousuke: *eyes opoen slowly* w-where am i?? who's there? anyone?
Daianna:*holds Yousuke's hands*i am...
chels: hey u finaly awake
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