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OMG PAN-PAN!!! It's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! >w< <add to favs O.o> YAY!
XD Shadow. Thankies peoples! X3
Yews welcome! OwO
I need more pics of Pookie. ._.;;;
Thanks. xD;
Hi Hoshi I got back into my youtube.
Someone hacked your YT?
I thought I told you,opps.Yeah someone did.They put my age,and name on my channel.I could'nt login cause whoever it was changed my password.
DX Not cool!
I had to go and change my password.On mobile youtube cause when I tried to do it on regular yt it kept saying authorization error.
Hopefully it wont happen again. D8
I effing love this picture. CX <still has it on favs. XD> Thats horrible Kagome!
Lol Shadow. XD
Yeah at least I fixed it.
Im glad. 8D
Thanks,you know for some reason Mini Moon has been on my mind today.
Cause she's awesomely adorable!
I know,she's not exactly a strong sailor senshi,but she's only 12,and still in training.
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