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SAKURA FOUND HIM OUT (was this the episode when Naruto turned into sasuke?)
hahah Naruto
sakura is dumb,she never finds out thats naruto
That's Sasuke there. Can't you tell by the expressionless/disinterested look sprawled on his face?
this pic just bothers me in some way...
Sakura: I should've known, you ARE gay! Sasuke: Mm? You say something? Sakura:...You're gay! Sasuke: I am? Sakura: Yes! I saw you kiss Naruto! Sasuke: I did? Inner Sakura: He is so clueless! But so hot! Sakura: Yeah! You did, moron! Sasuke: I'm a moron? Sakura: AAAARRRGHH!! *Runs away and pulls her hair 'till she's bald*
whats with you and sakuras hair UchihaPrincess ??
Hilariousness. I've never seen this episode, hck, i don't even watch it, i dont have cable....but from the looks of it, this is freakish.
sasuke is such a showoff but he is pretty cool
to dark_chii222: Yea sakura IS dumb this is when the real sasuke comes by and she says some dumb stuff about naruto not having parents and um hello neither does sasuke.
Sasuke: I dunno what you're talking about Sakura, but I gotta take a dump. Sakura: That was more than I needed to know.
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