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katsumi is mine.
lol if shika and temari had a girl thats probably exsactly what she'd look like
yeah that what i thought. there's another picture of her smirking evilly can you comment on those two?
awesome. there are two and also i put pictures of miyuki and neji's daughters.
wow!this is ur best Katsumi edit yet!5/5
Yeah Anna is right i`ll make a edit for the twins cause your having trouble whith her brother it will be up soon ^-^ very nice hmm 0.o why does she have a leaf ninja headband isn`t she from the sand village like you told me her brother was?
lol!MIZU! *hug*
Sha la! *Dies* Nooo hugs! it`s hot enough! *Dies at the thought of the heat* They even cancled school today and tommorow it`s only 113 degrees though D :
oh actually they are from the leaf village since her daddy is shikamaru and he and temari live in the leaf village. my bad
kk np very cute btw
the picture of what kohaku looks like is up (the clothes are wrong though*)
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