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also her pairing is with Toushiro altho she starts off liking renji and Jyuushiro
 I like her! She's pretty! My rpc used to date Renji forever! But then of course she ended up with shuuhei. But anyway this rpc is a lot like mine. My rpc used to be shy and hide. And she denies that she's pretty (even though she's never seen herself)And her zanpak-to is a cat spirit.
XD When i first saw her name, i missread it, i thought it said Prada!
lol prada, and yeah if it's okay torahime i want my character to like look up to your character
thanks! and now you got me wanting to see the movie the devil wears prada XD
i love that movie
ur welcome! (gai stance) :3 I've never heard of that movie before!
i do to, it's awesome your going to have to see it one day omg and i say the movie the happening last night i grew up on horror flicks so it wasn't scary but it freack everyone else in the movies out XD
XD i never saw it
oooooo! me like scary movies! I must see it!
okay before anyone goes to see it, i warn you it's not like most movies, they do not cut out gorie stuff you will see full on how ppls die, but its still so awesome!
XD I've seen Sweeny Todd tho
that just gets me more interested!
sweeny todd was wicked but i luv anything jonny depp plays in tho i think he's best movie he ever acted in was the secret window, also if oyu like gore you should shee the movie hunted prison the name sound stupid but it's pretty good, oh and also the movie Catacombs
okay I'll see it!
Sure..I guess that's ok...
You sure you wan ther to look up to Dj?
^-^ yeap i'm posative i want her too
Y? I mean DJ's not all that great. I just made her up in kindergarden...
because she's strong, funny, pretty, she doesn't seem to be afraid to show what she's feeling and she is outgoing everything Parada is not right now, and she 's what parada wishes she could be ^-^
You make an excellent point...Ok! Then i guess it's ok! ^^
Shes so pretty!
thank you ^-^
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