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i need constructive critque! PLZ!!!
This is not bad,its nice!I think you should color her!
really? i should have gave her a bottom half tho XD
Oh its okay! I think she still looks nice!XD!
Hi Sasuke-chan.Forgive me if I asked you this already,but are you allowed to download zip files?
No prob.Hi!You did not ask me, and sorry, I'm not allowed to download.
That's ok my psp can download zip files,but the folder it goes to can only be acessed by a regular pc,and mine broke.
Oh, I see!XD!
Psp's can only actually play mp4 files,but even if I could find what I need in the proper format.I can't take screenshots.
Oh!XD! I don't got a psp!XD!!Its okay thou!^^
It's a good system there's just a few features it doesn't have.
Yeah! I want one!XDDD!
Yay you can't watch youtube though.Unless you use a online converter.
Okay!XD! Thanks!
I know of 3 online converters that I use.The psp has 2 naruto games so far.I have one of em.
i have a ds and they have 3 naruto games so far. I have two of them! They are coming out with a fourth Naruto game for the ds that I want!XD!
I can't wait until Narutimate shippuuden accel comes to the us.
I can't can't wait till all the Shippuden games come to us!XD!!
Yeah,that's gonna rock.
It's gonna be a while I'm afraid,but we're getting there.
I agree! I wonder if theres gonna be a Shippuden english dub?XD!
Most likely since the original Naruto's been dubbed.They're going to have to continue the story.That will include the games,and series.
In an interview with bandai that I read they said"They plan to be friends with the kid in the orange jumpsuit.For a long time tocome."
So that's a good sign that the games will end up dubbed.I also read that Viz media wants to finnish up the filler arcs as quickly as they can.That's most likely why they're showing two episodes a week.
XD!!Yay! I'm almost done with the original series! I'm up to season 9!XD! Are you done with the whole sereis yet! Also did you see my new updated pic?!!XD!
I think toonami is in the end of season 7,and going into 8.We're in the 100's though,but the high 100's,and no not yet.
Oh!Toonami's in season 8!XD!
Is it alright! That's farther than I thought it was.
Its good!XD!
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