so do you think hes cute
Hot! Can you check out my new upload?
i just did and do you thik i should bring him back
Yeah I do! Please bring him back!
so what about he faked his death
Thats a good idea!
omg u suck so baddddddddd i have seeen all ur edits they suckkkkkkkkkk u should not use paint it is a bad mistake and dont think u r good and it is so sad that i am the only one tellin the truth cause to tell u da truth everybody on this page is lying to u srry i just tell the truth ♥
that's a horrible thing to say to someone. ppl who say things like that dont upload anything. i bet your edits suck too
Omg dont be so rude betch D< you go mi-chan XD mi-chan ish right
u guys r stupid and dont make sense =) and mine r good cause i use the POLYGON TOOL not the paint brush
Sasha's probbly just a fat old man who lives with his mommy right SASHA?
no u betch i dont my mother died now u fell good jerk (cryin)
well how am I suposed too know that? your hurting Suki's feelings and you KNOW that that comment would hurt her
oh shutup u have no feelings u worthless emo
EXCUSE YOU?? EMO?? *Laughs* ME?! PUH-LEEZ i'm the must un emo person here have of the time i say emo i say emu for chees's sake! grow up
no u grow up ur the gay prepy 1
who said I was preppy?
meeeeee nd deal w/ it
fine i'll be the mature one good by seniour old man
im not a senier im young ur probably a fat ass
Hailey IS NOT a fat ass! Get a fucking life, Sasha. Girl, if YOU don't like edits like this, why click on it?
I have a picture of myself up stupid and thanks Anna ^-^
i dont know how to use the polygone tool and sasha you dont even know me that good you should see my drawings and u are ar a fat ugly pig a.. yea i went there and i have friends to back me up yea i went there so go jump in a lake and i bet if you tried that i bet u would stink ok so now just because i might make a slipps doesnt mean u can do that you pig and bi..
so there !
yup do you think she will comment back
HAHA! Mizu XD a flat old man XD that made me laguh so hard
yeah i will fukin comment backkkkkkk because im good and ur not u just have no talkent deal w/ it
Oh god now what? -_-; What happened? Im sorry Sasha, I know your new here and all, but you have no uploads so how do we know if your any better? +>.>
Read the comments dumbass
If your any better, then upload a pic. Prove it to us...
Kira's right, upload a pic smartass. if you think you know so much
fine bitch but I don't have anyprograms but i'm goin 2 my grandmas and i'll upload shit
Im gonna say no more. Im not getting involved u.u
psh i bet that's a lie. ever heard of paint?
My start bar dosn't work cuz my comp has too many viruses and I can't get too paint bitches TRUST me i'll make one
ok i'll be waiting when you do. no need to get testy my gosh...
Just let me know. Why you acting this way towards us anyways? What did we do to you?
*just sitting there* ._. Sakura558. If you want to learn how to edit better, I can find some really good "Hoe to edit" videos on yt. ^^
i'm just telling the truth thiss edit and most of her others SUCK it's the truthdon't deny it i'm not commenting on your guys edits if a edit is good i'll say so i'm not mean i'm just tellin da truth that's what's wrong with america EVERYONE LIESSSSSS
Ok. Thats all I wanted to know.
Yeah. America aint what it used to be. ._. And hi Kira. 8D
stupid bitch
What did I do? D8
America aint what it usd to be XD well Sasha instead of saying "it sucks!" try giving a critique. like "you can improve on your edits." or "try to stay inside the lines." OR " dont use such big lines when editing."
It be true. <w<
at least 1 person agrees wit me sasukelover77 hates her too but is 2 nice to say it lyke i do, *~StrawberryPockeh~* go 2 hell preppy biotch
......Im not a preppy bitch. D8
*huggles Hoshi* she's the preppy bitch thinking she's all kool! DUMBASS! and dont say i hate her. you dont know SHIT about me
O.O *leaves*
xD its funneh 2 see you all pissed off so easily it makes me happy xD
Omg she uses -eh O.o and XD ...Ok Im gone.
You didnt have to be so mean Sasha.
how dare you call someone a preppy bitch. you dont even know her. your just defending yourself with lame ass comebacks. i can see this conversation is going NOWHERE so i'm gonna do what Kira's doing. leave.
Ignore her >.> *doesn't know her but ish annoyed already*
*alone* ._. >.> *goes to YT*
Thats what Im gonna do if she keeps acting like this towards us...
Yeah! I got rid of everyonee yeah! and I knew using you queer form of chatspeak would piss you guys of stupid mofos u guys started it cuz all ii sai is that the edit was bad u guys started the shit you could have forgotton about me but no stupide whores
..... U.U
But I never said anything bad about you and you called me names for no reason...
She did to all of us... *Toning her out with "Disturbia" by Rihanna* U.U
Oh yeah your sooo cool and you are all soooo ignoring me whores
Everyone, just because someone says a edit is really bad doesnt mean you have to cuss them out and call them names and bash them. And if someone starts something or says something to you, you dont have to comment back and start shit Sasha. Stop acting like children.
Hey Nope. Sorry bout that. Im just gonna ignore her now.
Its quite alright Kira. Im just trying to get my point across.
w/e i don't need you faggotory people grow some balls
that song is weird XD i like i tho
And you have ^_^
Well if you dont like it, you could always leave. Then everyone would be happy
*wanders back in* Hey Kira, ish Disturbia by Rihanna a good song? xD
tch you people would have nothing to do without me here
Is it safe nao? Lol Natty XD
Hell yeah! Its a new thing by her. Kind of an emo song XD Its my new fave.
Thats where your wrong Sasha.
lol i think the moral of the song is weird 0o
What exactly is the moral? I like it because it's lyrically dark in tone, being about a state of mental anguish and confusion. XD
oh u guys r doin such a good job ignoring me all i picture is a bunch of queers laughing and sayin ohh now we r ignoring her she is gonna get mad and she is so gay u know what im not falling for ur gaay ass prank cause all i know is that im gettin too u and u know it
umm like a plot sort of to the song.
Im gonna listen to the song now. *copycat*
Lol XD Watch the music video on Youtube!
u know what faggots i am actually a nice person its just i said that the edit was bad so fuckin what im tellin da truth i commenet on other peoples edits and say they r good i hvae bipolar disorder and i cant help it when u fuckin faggots r treatin me like shit when i jsut fukin said the ediit was baddddddddd
the music vid kinds creeps me out!
Well you dont sound like a nice person when you call people names for no reason and cuss way to much.
I know! Thats why I like it X3
XD cuz it's creepy?
What does the music video look like? YouTube won't load the official video for me D: -pokes it-
Yes. I guess you can say it suits me XD Im trying to find a pic of Sakura to edit into Kira. I wannt have Kira singing that song because she's slipping into madness XD Can yew help meh? Yus! I love Canadians! They give us maple syrup ^w^
o3o I know how to make good lipsync videos - like this one 8B youtube . com / watch?v=u4YKNYZSnU8
*just had bacon for breakfast XO*
Lol XD Anyway can someone help me find a pic for mah new Idea? XP
i love Candian bacon!!!
okay u want me to say it ill say it im sorrry ok IM SORRRRRYYYYY
Doesnt Canadian bacon look like ham? I saw that in iCarly XD ...You mean it? >.>
yes i mean it im sorry
canadian bacon looks like bacon o.o;;;;
O.o ...iCARLY LIED!!! DDDDX What do you say guys? Should we forgive her?
i wouldnt but thats cause im an un-forgiving betch o.e
Lol XD
plzzzzz im srry
icarly rocks!
I like Spenser. He's funny XD He plays Crazy Steve in Drake and Josh. Im not sure if we can Sasha. You said some pretty hurtful things...
Also Sasha would it kill you to use a proper sentence?
i know i did thats because i can be a bitch obviously but i was just tryin to act cool im so gay
Sasha. The only REAL way to act cool here is to be yourself! You dont have to be better than anyone else; its not a contest. So just be yourself! ^_^
ok ill be myself my real name is sarah btw
hey sasa so what if you think your better than me doent mean you can say stuff like that to me i will report u
Sarah huh?
yup my name is sarah im 13 years old
what sasa wont bother me any more yay
Ok Sarah. First thing you gotta know: Dont insult (aka bash) Peoples art work. You dont know if that person has alot of backup or if its a hacker.
*loves the name Sarah* ......awesome. I forgive yew. 8D Can we be friends?
<comes up behide and waves> Hello. CX
OMG SHADOW!!! *Glomps* XD I added you as a friend on DA XD
* randomly comes* HI PEOPLE!
*tackles Akemi XD* Hi. Kira! Whats your username on DA?
Ironically, its Akatsuki-Kirai101. Small world XD
well my name is sarh
Lol yes it is. XD My DA is StrawberryPockeh XD
hey ...* thinking *
I think I added you already...I check XD Btw, with my new plot, Kira goes crazy and hurts everyone. She almost kills Itachi XD
Hi Sarah.*shakes your hand* Nice to meet you.
......uh, hi ppl! How ru?
Dayum. OxO And Hi Anna! x3 *wonders what Sakura558 will say once she sees all these comments XD*
Only one problem: I need a pic of Sakura to edit into Kira. I need a pic where she's going absolutly crazy; demonicly crazy. I need help XD
hi nice to meet u 2
So....I pic of Sakura going crazy? I think I can help.
Kira, Do you go to Photobucket?
there are pics of crazy sakura on animestocks i think ^-^
soooo...................... what r ur guys names
meh name is lindsey ^^
I'm Anna
Call me Akemi, Sarah!
I am teh wonderfully fabulousy Hailey or Happii or Mizu xD Woot I wanna join a pointless convo! xD hey guys i need some help with jamie and Mikey i have no clue wat i'm going to do with them any ideas?
should i make suki die
well mizu the one i do not know lol (can i tell them)
*is late* im Scarlet. <w<
w/e and nuuuuu suki shouldn't die and I know sarah (unfortunatlly xD j/k)
i live right next door to mizu in real life we r actually best friends she just left my house
wow. o.o
whoa! XD Hailey, u haven't told Sarah about me yet?
no hailey actually always mentions u anna she says ur really cool
NOT bestfriends -_- and yes I told Sarah about you Anna I just didn't say your screenname
ok so you wont say bad things to hurt me any more
I-I'm not THAT cool.......*_^
yup i wont, and hailey yeah we r shut up lol
ok so i need to ask you something sould suki go to orchimaro or stay in the villge
stay in teh village and YES ANNA YOU ARE THAT COOL! >.< and Sarah Lace is meh bf you be no 2 reemember tht crash chick? yeah
wait who do u need ask something 2
should i end suki amni
hailey w/e u can have more than 1 bf u and taylor r my bf
Yeah I did. Couldnt find any good ones. I'll look on animestocks
so sasha i srry for the bad things i said
oh its ok im srrry for the bad things i said 2
its ok so friends
Wow this conversation turned WAYYY around XDDD
i know why was she say bad things about my pics again
I think because she said that it was bad and she was only telling the truth. But your getting better. Lets not go back to what happened yesterday XD
so it's over?
yes finally come and check out my new pic
ok i will i need to tell sasha i'm sorry for what i said.
ok tell her i srry too
Hey guys, wanna here a really cool techno song? Go on Youtube and search "Fur Elise Bleach" Its the first video. This song is the BOMB!!!
ok does it have bad words in it
No. Theres barely any words. The only bad words are in the video clips but you dont hear them.
i wanna listen to Disturbia now. thanx a lot kira! XD
Addicting, isnt it? X3 Im watching Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children. My friend kept bugging be to watch it so I am. Its really cool!
sure ill watch it
hey guys ya is over and i read the comments and thanks saskuelover77 im srry 2
yea checkout my new pics
ok i willll ..................... ur gettin better
are you sure.. cause i dont think so * sigh*
-is srsly late- Im Kari 8D Or whatever else you wanna call me xux I think you're getting better Suki-chan! Awesome edit btw! X3
yea your just trying to cheer me up
No, Im not lying. I dont lie to my friends about this stuff. You are getting better, you must accept that fact! Or else face the wrath of mai toaster D:
what does that mean and did you check out my new one with suki and the sparklers and the chains in the air like sakura ok i might be getting better
no sakura558 i told u when i see and okay or good or very good edit i tell people the truth well u r gettin alot better trust me (i know thats hard after what i did)
"Put on your break lights. Were in the city of wonder, ain't gonna play nice. Watch out you might just go under; better think twice. Your train of thought will be altered, so if you must faulter, be wise...Your mind is in disturbia! It's like the darkness is the light; DISTURBIA! Am I scaring you tonight ? Disturbia! Ain't used to what you like. Disturbia! Disturbia-a-a..." ^_^
woowwwwwww lol
You can tell I like this song -w-
tell u what and i've never heard of the song
Look up "Disturbia" on Youtube and watch the first video. Its by Rihanna
i dont have speakers on my comp.
Ah. Yeah that will be a problem XD
i dont know if u were here when i told the rest of the girls but my name is sarah and im 13 years old whats ur name
Yes I was here XD Im Kira
so we can be friends righ? yea and Kira, we know you LOVE the song...
yeah we can be friend kira and saskuelover77 whats ur name?
Her name ish Michiko ^_^ And its more like obsessed. Its so addicting >.< "Bum bum bi-dum bum bum bi-dum bum..." STOP IT! DX
SHUT UP! you got me hooked too!
>.< No need to yell... O.< ....DISTURBIA!!! *Tapes mouth closed* =x= ....
i need to make a BG XD
*Clamps hands over ears* MPGH PFTS MUGH!!! (Translation: I GET IT!!!)
i thought you said "my pet ugh!" odd
yumm xD breakfast
i didnt have breakfast D: *dying of starvation*
*muffled laugh at Sarah XD Shakes head no at Michiko and has an annoyed look on my face*
i have eggs whole grain wheat toast with low fat peanut butter and a cup of V8 splash tropical fruit with a neon straw xD
rub it in why dont you!! *in the emo corner*
*sits next to you. Had realized that I used glue tape and it wont come off* TxT
I have.... fruit juice *too lazy to go upstairs* and a cheese string
that's what you get! *tries to rip it offU
*muffled screams* >X<
jeees im just sayin why dont u go eat breakfast?
i'm too lazy XD *pokes Kira's forehead*
u remind me so much of hailey
Meh... TxT Dgh huph...
no not u kira. michiko is so much like hailey
who's hailey? it your own fault Kira!!
♥mizu♥ i know her in real life she lives right next door to me
*yells* Whuh diph yew hah tu yunk lua tape??! DX
oh!!! what about tape?
*writes on a piece of paper* Why did you have to yank the tape??! DX
u r u guys talking about tape over her mouth? xD
cuz i'm mean like that >D i just ralize Chrissi and Kim havent been on in like ages....
whoooooo????????????????? hey do u guys have myspaces casue im playin this really cool game on myspace and its addicting
*writes again* "Not yet" *writes again* "Yeah I noticed that too..."
ohhh ok what bout u saskuelover77
naw, i dont want one any way. people can get killed through myspace
"Not if your careful and set your Myspace on private. That way, only your friends can see it"
yeah i know but i am very porective i dont give out any information and my profile is set to private
"Good ^_^" ... YxY
hey what state to u live in, i live in connecticut
do u guys srry and no im not a perv i was just wondering i am an actual 13 year old girl and even ask ♥mizu♥
"Hm? What do you mean?"
omg i love newjersey my whole entire family lives down there like literally half of newjersey is my family cause my grandmother's mother had 12 children her brother ad 15 and her sister had 17 and they all had 8 children or more and then they had children and then they had children so my family is hugeeeeeee
"Wow O.O But were you asking if we were really girls? I am! Im an actual 15 year old girl"
i got to go but ill be on l8er
i believe you! they way you put up fight prvoes it all XD OMG!! that's A LOT of extended family XD
with what? why do you keep putting things in quotes
"The tape. And because Im writing on a peice of paper, not speaking" YxY;
o XD
*cries* HGHP ME!!!
hey im back im at my grandparents house so now i can show u how i make an edit!!!! xD
YAY! FINALLY!! i cant wait to see what you characters look like!!
it sucks but i just made it go and see in my gallery and tell the truth like i did w/ urs it suckksssss
with mine? ok ill look
"Its not that bad for a first edit! "
Kira's right
"...Ok just yank the tape off" *gives myself a shot and I fall asleep*
its not my first edit i have alot of edits i did it quick cause i had to go help my brother
hey sasha i srry about your mother my mom and dad are seperated im srry
thank u so much it was a while ago
im still srry
oh thank u
but can we pleaseee not talk bout it i miss her 2 much
ok im srry * huges sasha* friends
my brother made a new edit go and check it out
yeah soooooo
so what do you mean
idk im just bored
have you check out my new pic
.... I'm never getting on your guys bad side you all can be scary!!!
who me
everyone who was fighting!!
oh but were all friends now
well thats good. I originally came here to see what chriss looked like. Now back to the wedding!!
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