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um.... photoshop CS3 and Adobe image ready are two programs I use i'm not that good with CS3 yet though
You can download both?
yep ^-^ but CS3 is only a 30 day trial unless you want too pay likee 700$ oh yeah and with the adobe image ready I would download 7.0 it's the version I have and it's amazinglly easy
um srry dont have a thing but paint and photofitre srry but you can download photo shop never knew
Its okay.
Ehck, I say MS Paint. Im sorry but, its very easy to draw art in there. Those who say it sucks just dont know how to use it. I'm a MS Paint artist, and I love it photoshop Is just...bleck, edits look fantastic on paint as well.
can you download photoshop
VCW Vicman's photo editor um it my not be easy but it's a good one to use, then their Pixia It features custom brush tips, multiple layers, masking, vector- and bitmap-based drawing tools, color, tone, and lighting adjustments, and multiple undo/redo, then there's GIMP it's said to be the free version of Photoshop ^^ and thenn theirs Serif PhotoPlus, um thats all i know of
You can download all of them?
yep every single one completely free, um as amater of fact heres a link to a site that'll tell you more, http:/ /graphicssoft.about.com/od/ pixelbasedwin/tp/ freephotoedw.htm#
Thankies so much!
your welcome ^^
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