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Cute or Weird? which you think?
he's smiling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cute!! ofcourse!! x]
yeah.........so CUTE
the cutest. yes.
kawaii, ne?? he looks kinda like a bear in this one...
OHHHH NEJI!!! DEFENETLY CUTE!!  *add to fav*
Both. LoL!!!
He's so hot!!! *o*
Gross... what a disgusting individual...
*melts* im in the presence of a total hottie!
I'm in the presence of a loony.
 that's so like you!  Neji:hmmm..... me:  Huh? Neji:...... Me:Neji???? Neji:......hn..... Me:.....um....o....k.....
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