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Awesome! I luv your insiders!
thaknies Akemi-chan
I want one for Shiina o3o
this is awsome! I love it! *wonders what Cecily's ish gona look like*
aww so cute 5/5
Your welcome!^^! Question  o I know you?XD!! Seriously, do I?XDD!O.o
Akemi-chan it me onyx XD! and i'm working on Cecilys noww and okay I'll do one for shiina and thanks beth!
XDD! Oh wow! I was wonder how did you know my name!XD! And how many accounts do you have?
XD eight...think yeah eight I have eight acounts no nine i for got about RazelTheDefeact XD
Wow!  I thought I had alot of accounts!XDD! I have three. :3!
._. This is my second account, my first was Suzuka-Chan
My first was Sasukefan2258. and Onyx was one of your accounts "♥TerraChan♥"?
um your welcome
XD damn it was!! ugh ten >_> i have ten acounts ima account whore/junkie I have 7 Quizilla acounts i don't use all of them tho
Wow! You have soo many accounts! You must luv AG and Quizilla.XD!
Of corse i luvs AG XD mah friends are on it and i USED to luv quizilla but now it's stupid
XD! I luv AG too! I made alot of friends on here!
Cool! Oh can you do an insider on Tezuka!? Please?
you gonna go on msn onyx? .-.
O_O zomg sorry don't hate me but i forgot while tryin to do the insiders O_O i'll get on latter if your on
k xD *would never hate yew*
THANK YEWS!!=3but i have brown eyes,not yellow.
i know i'm sooo sorry DX messed it up in layering i can fix it if you want me too
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