Someone's cruisin' for a bruisin'
/\/\/\  lol, yeah, most likely Naruto!
yup it's naruto... i didn't see the episode but in the manga she beats up naruto because they accentdenly kiss
the fuglyness!!!!! it buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurns!
In this ep all the girls try to kill Naruto! I wish they would all kill Sakura!
to Black_And_White_AnimeGirl: oh i know!
i agree Black_And_White_AnimeGirl!
Thank you! Just call me Elaine! It' isnt my real name...well kinda...It's my middle name...But I like it better than my real name! Heh!
oh'I'm so scard not SAKURA SUCKS
ok elaine!together,we all hate sakura!
Hey what about me I hate Sakura too SAKURA SUCKS
we i mean together,i mean the three of us
Yay! We can start a "Sakura Sucks!!" Club or something!!
I want to join
your already in,yukari1120
then do the stupid kiddy club AWAY FROM HERE!!!
u people are biches Sasura does not suck u are biches and u SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok by the way it's spelled bitches not biches and it's sakura noe sasura and she Sucks more than you will ever know
jeah, Naruto is 'bout ten times as strong as her. Untill little stupid girl goes knocking on Tsunade-sama's door: please make me your apprentice.. ooh
Sasuke: MY NAME IS NOT "SASAKE" GAWDSDAMMIT!!! Learn how to spell my name!!!! Oh... *everyone stares at him* ...I mean... Must upkeep my image... quiet... er, bloodthirsty... um, kill? Er... dot-dot-dot? Well, what?? You'd get insulted, too, if YOUR own fans didn't know how to spell your name...
whoa! scary
no it was sasuke and naruto that kiss...accidently
Oh, if no one of you Sakura haters know what this picture means, it says, "Bash me one more time...and I'll f*cking kill you."
she is ready to kill
a sakura sucks club ay? so sad  i admit i dont like her much but 2 make a club!
It kinda looks like she has a mustache...
hey no killing sakura she sweet
whoa  talk about obsession....u do know he aint reeeeaaaall yes?
iloverocklee, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE ITS LEE AND TENTEN !!!!!!LEE AND TENTEN!!!!!!!!!!!! LEETEN LEETEN!!!!!! DIE SAKURAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can't kill Sakura. Get over it. You don't know any Jitsu. Get over it. Sakura is a little bitchy at times, but overall, I think she's a good character. She evens out Naruto and Sasuke. She thinks through her actions; they don't.
I like Sakura but... She can be such a jerk at times..
Yep,Naruto's gon be finished
yukari1120, dark_chii222, and Black_And_White_AnimeGirl: Hey im with you guys can i join your 3 some?
sometimes Sakura does get annoying..but shes kinda cool
i know what she's thinking:"mwahahaha, soon Sasuke will belong to me...and Naruto shall DIE." yep. and FYI, Sakura is kinda cool, so lighten up, Sakura-haters!!
恐い そして 恐ろしい
i would not want to be naruto right now
kicking ass and takeing names
yeah sakura sucks but ino is worse...but sauce-gay is the worst of them all!!!
i have to admit i dont really like sakura because she is weak and is kinda TOO MUCH in love with sasuke...i hate ino too
 I used to like Sasuke but(once fangirl)Now I find him annoying  I like Itachi,Rocklee and kisame way more!
wow,you people need self control.
Hey Ino_535 are you new here? I havent seen you around And try to get used to it Ino these people do some crazy things
jeeze you guys are frickin' obsessed with bashing sakura,sasuke,ino and lee THEY ALL SUCK GET OVER IT...  and lets see what Gaara thinks Gaara:...they all suck... Me ; yeah he actually decided to talk YEAH GAARA YOU ROCK....
go kick butt sakura!!!!
Oh goodness, she looks scary. And not that 'I fear you' scary either...
DIE SAKURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Nejilover77. <huggles Sakura>
Sum 1 is gunna get hurt by Sakura.....
It takes what? In the late 100 eps where she finally gets off her prisy little ass and work?! Bitch needs to set up some real goals before I see her working for a fast food place!
Hey! Stop flaming her! This is not the place to do that. Take it to the chatroom. Don't need it here. >>
what a bitch
No she's not.She just wants people to leave sweet little Sakura alone,and so do I!
Haha! Calling me a bitch? Trying to get me angry? Well, it's not gonna work. I don't care what you call me. Sakura haters have the right to state their opinon, but, they should not be mean about it. How pathetic you are, trying to get me angry. Grow Up. I'm not going to fight, but if i have to I will. But, let's not fight over an anime charcter. Obviously, from your comment I see that you're trying to. Grow Up and Get A life.
i love the face
Yeah boy did she get mad!
yeah ill do that
Sakura has some serious anger management issues  geeze...
Wow XD Yew go girl! xDDDDD;;;
CHA Kawaii-san!
Umm..i'll say something to Sakura-haters in a NOT angry way...first of all, she's a ANIME character NOT a real person!So it's is IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL SAKUra. She's not real...she cant die(maybe)
you are right but it still does not meen i cant hate her
"naruto be4 i kill u is my face ok?" says sakura
Things will get ugly if you make me mad!!(Sakura quote from ultimate ninja 3)
............... Karin is pretty and you say pretty ugly
karin is fugly!!!!!!
*shrugs* even tho i dont care for her much,shes still prettiful to me. does anyone hav pokemon leaf green? i sorta need help...
I has it Sakura!
I has leaf green! X3
kari121 I would get a life, but I sold it on ebay
Same here and wow. Good one XD
hmm...someone's in trouble
...well... somebody's pissed...
That's a nice picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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